WordPress 4.5 for developers

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The WordPress 4.5 came packed with significant implementations focused on developers. You have to pay attention to changes to better core recovery in the projects and in day- to-day are becoming increasingly productive.

Developers need to study, learn, test and adapt the WordPress updates to take advantage and to anticipate the innovations brought by WordPress.

Performance improvements are significant in the treatment of images, scripts and styles; marking corrections responsive images when the site is in safe environment; and speaking of responsiveness, there is a new way to preview the project on desktop screens, tablet and smartphone; new list of terms and their taxonomies; embeds and a hierarchy of powerful, modular and customizable files; an amazing implementation of selective loading widgets and Customization.

The features of WordPress 4.5 version for developer

Here is an overview for you to stay on top of implementations in WordPress 4.5 that will help developers in day to day life. It is very important to know about these features, since some impact, directly, which is in its development agenda, in addition to enjoying native resources and not rely on plugins or tedious encodings.

Say goodbye to plugins for authentication with e-mail

With this new version, it is possible for users to log natively with their email or continue opting for the username.

The use of plugins like WP Email Login, Login with Username or Email and Force Email Login is very common. The first of this list is currently in use in more than 20,000 WordPress sites. But the added functionality they no longer make sense with WordPress 4.5, since it happens to be native to the core.

What you need to know about Selective Refresh

Every new version of WordPress, the Customize feature wins powerful innovations and features like Selective Refresh. Through this feature, you can update a specific area of the page, and ensure better application performance, increased responsiveness and perception of the user use.

The Selective Refresh feature accompanied by a framework used by the core of WordPress and its default themes. Implementations at the same time contribute to better user experience are a source of inspiration and studies for developers to implement in the projects.

You, as a developer, you need to make use of selective update on widgets and ensure a better experience for users of your project and a better performance for the application.

Allow an easier exchange of logo design

Web sites managers and especially the marketing team really like the idea of ​​having a range to change the web design logo they managed and thus adapt the brand to different situations, such as commemorative campaigns, aesthetic alignment with background image or video and diverse fitness in unimaginable times during the project design.

With version 4.5 of WordPress, you can implement the existing functionality in the core of WordPress, excluding the need for plugins or development that line.

The file hierarchy reached embeds

The Embed feature in WordPress has always been a great facilitator insertion of practical media elements in an editor WYSIWYG.

In version 4.4, it became possible to embed third-party WordPress posts in their applications. And from WordPress 4.5, you can align advanced customization of this feature, if possible, with the file hierarchy, define a file to display the contents, header, footer, and even customize the 404 error page.

Also, and not least, there were advances and accessibility improvements, such as better use of the title attribute in the iframe element, contributing to a better definition of the content to be loaded.

Processing enhanced to a light application

Every image uploaded by the WordPress upload feature generated by default, three other images: a thumbnail, a medium and a large, beyond the original image storage. The plugins and theme in use can also add your specific sizes and increase account – it happens too often to greater fulfillment of the project architecture. This generates two types of consumption on the server: storage and processing.

WordPress 4.5 has improved its performance on both fronts, and you need to take advantage of it.

The assets of WordPress also gained due attention in version 4.5, reviewing the CSS and JS files, and the use of ETag aligned with WordPress version in use for better gain and management of cached files in Internet browsers.

Responsiveness and SSL increasingly together

In WordPress 4.5, the HTML tag used to display images according to the user’s device screen gained improvement and enhanced support when the site is in a secure environment through SSL.

Before version 4.5, the image path specified in srcset attribute was with the HTTP protocol, even though the page has been loaded in a secure environment through HTTPS. The problems with SSL in responsive images in WordPress 4.5 have been fixed.

Google already considers responsive page design that makes use of security certificates as a ranking factor in its criteria. WordPress is aware and has engaged to help more and more sites developed in its structure to be well set for search engines.

A better relationship between taxonomies and terms

Until the 4.4 version of WordPress, the taxonomies were selfish and demanded that a term be unique and exclusive use. Since then, the terms can relate to various taxonomies and avoid the famous including “-x” in terms of slug.

In version 4.5 of WordPress, the edit page of the terms had changed its address, and it brought immediate and serious impact on developers with web applications that query or customize the administration for the management of the terms of taxonomies.

Validation of the number of characters in form fields

Forms must contain validations on the back-end and front-end. In the first case, ensures greater security; in the second, better interface user experience. In addition to the validation of the data to prevent the form submission with blank data, you can now control the amount and ensure a better expectation for data allocated by users.

A lack of alignment between the amount of data supported by the respective fields in the database and the total posted by users the comment form of a WordPress posts can bring prejudice to information and stored data.

By default, WordPress has an exact definition of the maximum number of characters accepted for each of the form fields, as a comment, name, email and URL. It is important and necessary that the developers take note and learn how to deal with max length in the fields of comments WordPress.


Since version 4.4, the REST API began to be integrated into the core of WordPress. An incredible step, powerful and will lead the CMS to an unimaginable level, except the desire to reach 50% of the Web.

The requests and the discussions of data through the REST interface in WordPress are under discussion and the developers need to be aware of the subject.

The importance of keeping WordPress updated

There is no room for lazy developers. WordPress releases three to four new releases per year, and the latest WordPress 4.5 hit the market on April 12, 2016 and 4.6 might get available in August, 2016. This is very good, and you should thank WP CMS developers and study the upgrades more constantly.

New versions of software correct errors, improve various aspects, modernize and follow the exacting demands of users and the market. WordPress has a large ecosystem, diverse and demanding. Innovations available with each release keep WP at the forefront of innovation, safety and modern features implementations.

Security taken into account, where

Your project in WordPress only enjoys new safety techniques if you are making use of the latest version of the program. Attackers do not stop, they are always looking for loopholes and ways to circumvent systems and trick users. Platforms to violate these movements and implement new mechanisms and security practices.

For better security, you should use the new versions and thus you can ensure more protection and shielding, as well as an escape from the statistics of a little update.

About ecosystem codes

WordPress, as I write this article, holds a 26% market share among the world CMS. It is staggering, and the numbers maintain a constant increase for years, rendering the ecosystem increasingly powerful and exponential.

There are thousands of topics at your disposal to give together its users an amazing experience and customizable and incredible 44,000, and counting, plugins to integrate into your web design with a variety of Internet services making it easier in an extensible way. Developers need to consider the absorption of innovations, implementations that can impact their codes and systems to be maintained. So consider analysis and knowledge of this new version of WordPress for developers.

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