Email Marketing Statistics 2022

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Marketing items or services via email is known as email marketing. Even though that is the most obvious example, it is not the only one. Email marketing can strengthen relationships with present consumers and reach out to new ones. Firms might use email marketing to keep their customers updated and tailor their marketing messages.

Digital marketing is becoming more and more affordable and more and more conversion-rich, thanks to social media marketing. It’s powerful, compelling, and generates fantastic results for your online store.

Here are some eye-opening email marketing stats that demonstrate the enormous potential of this channel.

Email’s Widespread Usage

Email started out as a method for sharing messages between academics but has since grown into a tool that is utilized all around the world. The number of people who use email will reportedly reach 4.3 billion by the year 2022, according to recent projections (Statista, 2021). This number, which is expected to reach 4.6 billion by the year 2025, will account for more than half of the world’s anticipated population by that year.

This data proves without a reasonable doubt that email marketing is an opportunity that businesses should take advantage of.
Your customers in a developed nation are probably already using email for business purposes, and you should be doing the same thing. The use of email marketing provides companies of all sizes, regardless of how long they’ve been in operation, with the capacity to communicate with clients around the clock and 365 days out of the year.

Because of the time and effort savings that come with using email, you will be able to more effectively organize your email marketing strategy and communicate with your audience in real time.


Billions of emails sent daily

Only in the year 2022 will there be a total of 333.2 billion emails sent and received each and every day (Statista, 2021). Each and every day a significant number of emails are sent as well as received.

The situation is more complicated than that. It is anticipated that this figure would be greater than 375 billion by the year 2025. The following statistic regarding email marketing is likely to persuade you that email marketing is. It is going to become much more extensive.

Over the course of history, a wide variety of cutting-edge methods of communication have emerged. Email marketing, on the other hand, is still going strong and is anticipated to grow even more. When this information about email marketing is taken into consideration, it becomes difficult to discount the chances of a successful email marketing campaign.


Strong return on investment

With email marketing’s enormous appeal and undeniable advantages, it’s no wonder that the ROI is massive. You can make money with an effective email marketing plan.

An average return of $42 may be expected for every $1 invested in email marketing (DMA, 2019). Email marketing has many advantages, but this one is the most important for keeping your business afloat.


Content distribution through email

Email marketing is a popular way of Content distribution for marketers because of its high return on investment.
According to the most recent data, email marketing is used by 87% of marketers when disseminating their information (Content Marketing Institute, 2020). Email is second only to social media in content distribution, with 89 percent of people using it.

Other organic channels, such as the company’s website or blog, and presentations at events, whether virtual or in-person, are also ahead of the game with this approach.

One-third of marketers (33 percent) also use paid collaborations to promote their content to their partners’ email databases because email marketing offers so many advantages as a content distribution channel.

When it comes to measuring content performance, email engagement is a popular statistic among marketers. Email engagement indicators like open rates, click rates, and downloads are more important to marketers than website traffic and social media analytics when determining the effectiveness of a piece of content (86 percent).


Effect on Business

Email remains the primary client retention and acquisition driver for small and midsize enterprises. Data shows that 81 percent of small businesses still use email to acquire new customers, and 80 percent use it to retain them.

Email marketing isn’t going away just because everyone is talking about likes, shares, and tweets on social media. This study’s findings demonstrate that email marketing takes the top spot ahead of organic search, sponsored search, and social media when acquiring and retaining customers. Email marketing has no competition for having a direct impact and reaching your target audience.


Welcome email stats

Email open rates are a great indicator of the success of your email marketing campaign. These numbers illustrate who’s reading your email and who’s not. Everybody wants their email marketing campaign to be a success, after all.

The question is, how many people in your target demographic open the emails they receive? An email welcoming a new subscriber has an availability rate of 82% on average (GetResponse, 2017). When creating an email campaign for your ever-expanding list, you can benefit from this. It’s possible to provide relevant information about your company in your welcome email because of the high open rate for these types of communications.


Personalization helps email

This information shows that the average open rate for emails is 20.81 per cent, as shown in the graph. In contrast, personalization can profoundly affect your email correspondence if used. The available rates of emails with customized subject lines are 50% higher (Yes Lifecycle Marketing, 2019).

An excellent email marketing tip would be to personalize your welcome and subject line to include your recipients’ names. When customizing your emails is too much work, you might consider using the company’s name or industry or a topic of interest in the subject line.

Abandoned cart emails

Abandoned cart emails are sent to customers who have placed things in their shopping carts but have not completed the checkout process and have left the site without making a purchase. Many online shoppers start with good intentions but subsequently abandon their shopping carts before purchasing. Sending abandoned cart emails and recouping lost sales is a way for your organization to work around this issue.

There is a lot of debate over whether or not the emails are sent to customers who abandon their To support this point, we have a statistic compared to a single email, sending three abandoned cart emails yields 69% higher sales (Omnisend, 2018). E-commerce emails like this one are the most effective at increasing sales.

Interactive emails

Emails sent to subscribers should elicit a response. Newsletters are a thing of the past when it comes to email marketing. Marketers are seeking interactive Content to increase user engagement.

Adding videos to your emails has been demonstrated to increase the number of clicks by up to 300 percent (Martech Advisor’s data). There are so many of them that it’s startling. In addition to GIFs, sliders, and collapsible menus, marketers use these elements to make their emails more visually appealing to their customers. Don’t forget to mobile-optimize all of your interactive emails as well.

Clients love getting your emails

49 per cent of consumers (Statista, 2017) stated that they would prefer to get promotional emails from their favourite businesses every week when asked about the frequency of their emails. If you’re worried about bombarding your customers with emails, this email marketing statistic will come in handy. Email seems to be a convenient way for your audience to communicate with you.

Age-group Stats

According to new research, millennials may be the most likely age group to use email. People born between 1981 and 1996 spent an average of 6.4 hours a day checking their email, according to a 2018 survey conducted by Adobe. 41 percent of people even check their work email while they sleep.

Email is only used for five hours a day on average by office workers over the age of 40.

You can use email to market to younger people and those in their elder years. Email is still the primary mode of communication in many sections of the business world, which is reflected in usage trends.

Here, the pattern isn’t as clear-cut as it is regarding the actual time spent monitoring their inbox and sending emails. One thing, however, is for sure: email is not on its way to being extinct as a communication medium. Many people think of email as obsolete and dwindling when it comes to marketing, but that’s not the case. It’s still going strong!

Email marketing isn’t dead, and it’s not even close to being finished yet. By 2022, it’s still one of the best investments a firm can make. You can’t afford to ignore an investment with an average return of more than 40 times what you put into it.
Even while open and click-through rates are down, email marketing is still an efficient way to stay in touch with clients, recoup lost revenue, and reactivate inactive users who might otherwise be dormant. Email is a massive opportunity for any organization that isn’t taking advantage of it.

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