6 Powerful WordPress Features That You Probably Didn’t Know Existed

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WordPress is one of the most powerful platforms for web development worldwide. Web developers widely use it to create simple to complex websites. WordPress is beginner-friendly, meaning everyone can use it easily without experience in web development.


This platform contains many features that can help create unique websites for blogs, e-commerce, businesses, etc. WordPress includes many themes that can be installed on thewebsite and customized according to the need. Numerous plugins are available for a single thing, which can be downloaded directly from the dashboard. Let’s have a look at some of the powerful features of WordPress that revitalize your experience.


Price Estimator

Beginners or the WordPress developer, lesser the users, know that WordPress comes with a built-in price estimator. For web projects, the price varies depending on various estimates and different products added. It takes a lot of time for the developers to write code for each assessment, which is not always perfect.


The WP Estimation and Payment forms builder features help calculate the approximate prices of the potential customers. It also saves time as you can only spend your time dealing with serious customers. The user interface of the estimator is impressive and easy to use, which can further be personalized completely. It uses advanced logic of conditions and receives payment through PayPal.


Edit Images in WordPress


In WordPress, it is easy to add images to your website posts and pages, unlike on other platforms. It isn’t known by most beginners who aren’t aware of the forum much that it also includes an option for image editing. This image editing is of a basic level and has all the necessary features that are used in image editing. Go to the Media >> Library page and click on any image option. Image details will pop up in which you can click the button ”Edit Image”. In this image editing mode, you can easily crop, rotate or resize the image as you want. There is also the option to flip the image horizontally or vertically.


Accessibility Mode for Widgets


For most users, it is easy to drag and drop different widgets into the sidebars of web pages. Whereas, it is not easy for some users to use a mouse or trackpad to drag and drop gadgets or other things into the web pages. Therefore, WordPress has a hidden feature known as accessibility mode for widgets. This feature makes it easier for the users to add things to the widgets instead of dragging and dropping them. This accessibility mode in WordPress used in widgets is activated by clicking the button of the ”Screen Options” button on the Appearance >> Widgets page.


Markdown & Keyboard Shortcuts


The most time-consuming task in developing a website is to write content for the website. To solve this problem and save developers’ time, WordPress came up with a wide range of keyboard shortcuts. These keyboard shortcuts help the developers write the web page content even faster.


There is also a markdown available in WordPress, which is used as a formatting shortcut. You have to enter the formatting shortcut then WordPress will convert that into an HTML form. You can use * o – for an unordered list, 1. Or 1) for ordered list, # transforms into h1, ## into h2, into h3, > into blockquote and so on.


Move, Add or Delete Dashboard Widgets


WordPress redirects users to its dashboard by default after the user login to the admin panel. WordPress dashboard is user-friendly, understandable by the users, and easy enough to be used by everyone without the developer’s background. Numerous shortcuts point to different sections of the web pages. And each section is divided into boxes called widgets.


Several options are available in the dashboard, including various widgets that can be added, moved, and deleted. These widgets can be used to display anything from text and images to video content and even can include live streaming, including many other options. You can hide the widget via essential logo design services if you want nothing to be shown.


Preview Themes Without Activating Theme


Choosing the best theme for your website is of great importance as it is the first thing visitors notice on a website. Changing a piece in any platform can generate consequences that are difficult to handle. Considering the reason behind the user’s concern, WordPress launched a feature in which WordPress themes can be previewed so that users can test different themes. You can test out themes without activating them so that the best-suited theme can be activated after viewing the layout and design of the article. First, install your new music, go to Appearance >> Themes Page, click on the Live Preview button in the installed theme, theme customizer will be launched in WordPress using the new theme.


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