How to Create a Website in 2022? What you need to know, do and buy?

Table of Contents

See this tutorial to understand the technologies and processes needed to develop a website—bureaucratic, administrative issues, and the knowledge required to create.


This article results from the content I use in programming or development classes for the Internet. Generally, I use it in the first class to give an overview of what it takes to develop a website, what you need to know, what you need to buy, and finally, do.


1. What you need to do

Two things: Development tool (code editor) and internet browser.


For dynamic sites, you still need a web server. If the active site is in PHP, you need the PHP software installed; if it is ASP.NET, you need the .NET Framework. To close the list, you also need a database such as MySQL, SQL Server, or others.




Among the main development tools for the web, it is worth mentioning:


  • Dreamweaver
  • Webmatrix (MS)
  • Visual Studio for the web (MS)
  • Notepad (MS)
  • Notepad ++ Portable
  • Zend Studio (for PHP)
  • Microsoft Expression (MS)


Web Servers


The two main web servers are Apache and ISS. Here’s some essential information from them:




It can be installed on Windows, Linux, and Unix


It can be installed individually or via installers such as wamp and xamp.


Internet Information Service (IIS)


It is part of Windows. Available in server versions: 2000, 2003, 2008, and 2012.


They are supported with limitations in some desktop versions such as professional, business, premium, etc.


2. What to Know


Quite a bit, but at first, start by separating what runs on the client and what runs on the server, focus first on the client-side technologies and once you’re mastered these, go to server-side technologies. Do not reverse the order or try to do everything simultaneously.


Customer side technologies


  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JAVASCRIPT (Also study jQuery, which is a robust framework based on javascript)
  • Flash (I no longer use it, but you can use it if you want)
  • Plugins: Flash, Java, etc.
  • Images: JPG, GIF, PNG, and SVG (these are the image formats supported by browsers)


Server side technologies


  • PHP
  • JSP
  • ColdFusion
  • Other technologies.
  • Database: MySQL, SQL Server, others.


You also need to know how the Internet works, the processes of communication, and administration processes, among others. I highlight below some topics you need to KNOW:


Web-connected bodies


ICANN: Worldwide body responsible for establishing Internet usage rules, distribution of IP numbers, control of the gTLD and country-code top-level domain name system (ccTLD), and central server administration functions.


ENOM: Responsible for registration and maintenance of domains (


W3C: The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is a consortium formed by technology companies and universities to develop web standards for creating and maintaining websites.




HTTP: It is the web browsing protocol. That is, browsers use this protocol to make requests to the web servers and receive the responses for later viewing by the users. HTTP uses port 80 in normal browsing and 443 for safe environment browsing HTTPS FTP. File Transfer Protocol is used whenever we need to move files from the local environment to a remote server or vice versa. FTP uses IP port 21.


SMTP: Simple Mail Transfer Protocol is the standard protocol for sending emails over the Internet. SMTP uses port 25


POP: The Post Office Protocol (POP3) is a protocol used in remote access to an electronic mailbox. POP uses port 110


HTTP Error Codes


Error codes are essential for understanding what happened when a page was requested. Below are the principal error codes:



  • 200 OK


Redirection Errors

  • 300 Multiple Choices
  • 301 Moved Permanently
  • 302 Moved Temporarily


Client Errors

  • 400 Bad Request
  • 401 Unauthorized
  • 403 Forbidden
  • 404 Not Found


Server Errors

  • 500 Internal Server Error
  • 502 Bad Gateway
  • 503 Service Unavailable
  • 504 Gateway Timeout


3. What you need to BUY


Web Hosting (We provide high-performance managed WordPress hosting services with the best load time and uptime guarantee. Get in touch with us for more information).


Points to note:


Several domains, disk space, transfer, amount and limit of the database, email accounts, etc.


Types of hosting services:




A server hosts many sites. Features and limitations are shared with all areas.


Dedicated (for large projects)


A server is dedicated to a single site or a few sites of the same client.


Cloud computing


Similar to the previous one. However, there is not a dedicated physical server but a server profile.




It is a service where hosting companies sell reseller plans, allowing them to host several sites.




The domain is the address of the site,, for example. Domain registration must be done by the competent authorities and renewed annually.


Domain types:


Generic Top Level Domain (gTLD) – These are the most common and generic extensions. Ex: .com, .net and .org, etc.


ccTLD – (Country Code Top Level Domain) – These are registered and maintained domains in each country. Ex:


  • United States (.us)
  • Argentina (.ar)
  • India (.in)
  • Spain (.es)
  • Italy (.it)
  • England (.uk)
  • Germany (.de)
  • Japan (.jp)
  • Russia (.ru)
  • Brazil (.br)


4. What to do


Finally, it is necessary to create the site, and for this, the script below can be helpful:



Now it’s up to you.


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