Using WordPress: 7 reasons why WordPress is still the King in 2022

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WordPress is the tool that leads the CMS market in the world. Millions of websites are made with WordPress and still growing.


Remember when it was just a platform to set up a Blog? Today it is not only possible to build a website, but an eCommerce, and up to 15 different ways to use WordPress.


So, here are seven reasons why it is still the king despite various competitors who have always had and how the use of WordPress seems far from diminishing.


1. WordPress sites post around 24 posts per second around the world

Yes, what you read is correct. For 2017, blogs that are part of the WordPress network publish about 24 posts per second, 1,481 posts per minute, 88,888 in an hour, and over 2.13 million per day. This is not counting WordPress sites that do not keep statistics.


2. WordPress sites receive 22.17 billion visits

It seems that all this activity is generating a result that is concrete in mass traffic. Only this year, blogs belonging to the WordPress network have reached about 22.17 billion monthly visitors. That is times the total number of inhabitants on earth.


3. WordPress blogs receive around 46.6 billion comments per month

And yes, those visits give to talk. This year, each month produces about 46.6 million words. There are essential discussions there. Also, this number of words is not counting spam.


4. There are about 2.7 million WordPress searches

By looking at how much information WordPress handles on its own, we are not surprised by its popularity and the attention it receives. This platform is gaining notoriety, which is reflected in the results of Google searches.


Only in the United States, “WordPress” as a keyword gives search results every month the number 450 000. Globally, this number is more than 2.7 million.


These results do not consider complex searches like “WordPress templates,” “WordPress plugins,” or any other information relevant to WordPress.


5. WordPress 4.7 has been downloaded 37,042,337 36,906,322 times till date

However, thanks to a large number of contributing volunteers, this number is manageable with the technical support of WordPress developers.


The latest version of WordPress 4.7, ” Vaughan,” has been downloaded 37,042,337 36,906,322 times, and this number is growing.


You can use the download counter if you want to keep updated with this number of downloads. And this does not stop here; the newer version will be available soon for download.


6. There are over 72 translations for WordPress

We know this is the smallest number on the list, but it should not be underestimated.


Thanks to the great community and initiatives like WordPress Global Translation Day, the number of languages in which WordPress is available is growing. From Albanian, German, Japanese, Persian, and even Hindi. You can configure WordPress in any language you want.


In 2014, downloads of non-English versions surpassed the downloads in this language, a number that has been increasing in the last two years.


This multi-language niche opens up the opportunity for WordPress users around the world.


7. There are more than 47,000 WordPress plugins

One of the main reasons WordPress continues to lead in comparison to other platforms is its flexibility to adapt to users’ needs.


Plugins are available for all purposes and intentions. You can achieve any features you would like your site to have by using a plugin.’s plugin database reached an excessive number of 47,000.


In conclusion, if you are still in doubt after knowing these powerful reasons, perhaps WordPress is not for you.


Otherwise, we hope your “complicated relationship” will be strengthened, and you will fully trust this platform to support your site.


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