What does a server need to have to host WordPress website?

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WordPress is a content management system written in PHP programming language, and just like any other site or design, it has its unique needs. The key is to be hosted in the Linux operating system. Choosing a web host is an essential part of the success of your project. Below are the first requirements that are paramount for the perfect functioning of a website or system in WordPress:


  • Linux Operating System
  • A version of PHP 5.2.4 or higher
  • A version of MySQL 5.0 or higher
  • Minimum PHP Memory 64MB


Before hiring a web hosting, consult if it meets these requirements, but not only that, you should consider them when choosing one. Many people and companies mistake selecting hosting, thinking of the cheapest value. And forget that cheap can be expensive when you need support that meets your requirements, sure that your application will be safe and away from falls. The best way to find the perfect hosting and plan for your project is to seek referrals. Know what other people are talking about and what user experiences they have had. So you avoid falling into the most common problems of hosting, below will list some of these problems:




You hired hosting without taking into account what was said here. Installed WordPress, chose and installed your favorite theme and plugins. Your site was the pro, beautiful in the way you wanted. Wonderful! But when you start to emerge, and there is an increase in the hits and the traffic on your website, your website starts getting slower every day. This is common because hosts often have shared servers, not worrying so much about security and tools that optimize and maintain hosting performance.


Moral of the story:


“You have a beautiful sight, but it is slow and does not convert because visitors do not like slow sites and not search engines.”


Installation by a click:


It is common today that Hosts offer installation with a click, you believe you are installing WordPress without any work, but is it installed in the best way? The answer is: of course not. These better facilities are not concerned with database security and often install WordPress in older versions and sometimes even in other languages, which can generate much more work for you.


Moral of the story:


“Do not expect the hosting servers to know about WordPress and its needs because very few know. It’s better to search, read the documentation, and install it on your own, but in the right way. “


The best way to choose to host is first to know what you need. We will list below three types of WordPress applications and some tips on which kind of hosting to choose.


1st case:


Your project is an institutional site with few updates and flow.


In this case, you can opt for shared servers and even basic packages of those hosting. Of course, looking to see the advantages that the hosting offers, seeking references on that hosting, to make sure that even simple it supra all the needs of your application.


2nd case:


Your project is a blog that will have enough daily and monthly content and a massive flow of information from texts, videos, and images.


With a slightly larger project, it’s worth investing in a better infrastructure if you cannot afford a dedicated server and someone to set up that server for you. Use a shared hosting you have researched and know you have a good performance, support, and the best infrastructure you need. I usually compare this with a house. It’s no use building a vast house, beautiful in the way you always wanted. And put it on uneven ground or in a dangerous place.


3rd case:


Your project is a robust application as a Virtual Store, a news portal, etc.


This is already a case where a performance problem or a drop in hosting can wipe out your business. Studies prove that the user is looking for a Virtual Store, and it is out of thin air that hardly returns it. That’s why investing more in infrastructure is essential and starting with high-performance WordPress Hosting, well configured with the best tools. It will be a bit expensive initially but will give you the certainty that your project will be solid and without any problem.




When choosing the best hosting server, using “common sense” is better. Spending time researching and weighing the pros and cons on the scales will not let you suffer the consequences of a lousy choice afterward and run the risk of ruining your business. Hosting WordPress may not seem like a sea of roses and easy as you read around. But what is not lacking is tutorials and documentation to help you choose the best hosting, installation, and configuration.


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