10 New Cool Domain Extensions For Your Business in 2021

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More and more people care about differentiating their business in every possible way. And it is in this wave of personalization that the competent entities have made available, some two years ago, new domain extensions for registration.

Since then, this feature is seen as a creative and professional way of becoming unique in the midst of new companies that multiply in the digital world on a daily

basis. And more than that, choosing a good domain extension leads people (your future clients or viewers) to know what your site is about before you even access it.

Have you thought about this before?

In parallel to this trend, we have that the new business models are also changing this scenario. New technologies are being applied, new terms are being created, and new niche markets are emerging. And of course, domain extensions follow this evolution.

That’s why we’ve selected 10 new cool domain extensions for your business.

Attention: Does your virtual address need a modern termination that matches your content? Do you think you can further modernize your business domain extensions (address) but do not know which extension fits the best? Not sure where to begin designing your site or reshaping one that needs to be updated? So this article is for you!

Have a good reading and do not forget: if you have any questions, leave your comment!

1) .tech

Let’s start with the most technological? .TECH was auctioned in 2014 for nothing more, nothing less, than $ 6.7 million. You can have a sense of the power of this suffix, right? .TECH can demonstrate capabilities in IT, administration or any other company or person connected to the technology in any way.

2) .online

The most connected extension came. The .online, a term understood worldwide, comes to benefit any professional or company that feels part of the worldwide trend of connectivity. It has proven to be a perfect suffix for marketing-related businesses, virtual stores, product launch sites, educational and corporate portals, and more.

After all, who’s online is online!

3) .fit

Caring for health is a growing concern worldwide and the .fit domain extensions comes to heal this need. Its origin comes from the reduction of the word fitness. From gyms and personal trainers to fitness bloggers, the termination demonstrates professionalism and care not only with body and mind but also with health online. It is worth betting on this new extension that is super funky!

4) .life

Any company that has a relationship with people’s lives may consider using the .life domain extension. It is designed to strengthen life insurance identities, health-related businesses, personal websites, communities and the like. Tip: Like other extensions, you can create creative domains like geta.life, thisismy.life, and meetmy.life. Get Inspired!

5) .coach

Coach is the word of the moment. So tapping the wave using .coach domain extension can make the site even more recognizable! And this goes for whatever the field of coaching professionals, from health-oriented coaches to personal or business coaching. Having a domain with this extension and with well thought out content is already halfway to success!

6) .design

Attention designer! The .design suffix drops like a glove for you, whatever your specialty. It is a fully relevant domain extension in cases of online portfolio, in addition to agencies, architects, decorators and the like. In general, professionals in these areas are creative and detail people. Why not add this differential to the address of your site and make your projects stand out even more?

7) .moda

The time has come for .moda, the 7th among the new extensions of this article. Focused on clothing and trends market, such a domain has the power to talk a lot about the professional or company. From major industries to online stores, through industry brands, fashion photographers and even models, .moda demonstrates that the site is ahead of the others. And in the fashion world, this shows that it is you who dictate the trends!

8) .club

The term collectivity has never been so latent. Therefore, the .club domain extension comes as an attractive solution for communities in general, from traditional sports clubs to fan clubs, parties, and confraternities. Retail stores also took advantage of this move, offering discounts to customers belonging to a club of advantages. You may even get there first, but in a group, you go further.

9) .shop

The .shop domain is sincere and direct: it means you have to sell what the user wants to buy. It’s a great way to separate the institutional site from eCommerce for a company, for example. But in summary, if you have something to sell, consider using .shop without fear of making a mistake!

10) .store

Similar to item 9, but more subtle, the .store domain extension is also a funky option for virtual store sites. In addition to making the URL unique, it creates a souvenir related to the purchase, which enhances the connection with customers. Not to mention that investing in virtual stores generates fewer expenses with personnel and infrastructure. If you were hesitant to open or already have a virtual store, this extension is for you!

I will confess that it was not an easy task to list only 10 new cooler domain extensions. They are many, and with each passing day new options are created and made available. As you read this article, for example, it is possible that some new endings have been suggested to competent entities around the world.

Our tip is that, if you always seek to be in the news of the world of the internet, register all the domain extensions that you think are necessary. Yes! That’s right! This way, you prevent potential malicious competitors and make it easier for your audience (already known or potential) to find you.

To conclude, meet other new domain extensions that have also conquered me: .run, .yoga, .love, .style, .fashion, .marketing and .studio. Are not they great?

To register your domain with these and other special features, just contact the companies that provide this service.

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