What is HTML(HyperText Markup Language)?

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HTML (HyperText Markup Language) is the language of marking texts, photos and other data in web pages, which we access using a browser.

To understand it right, let’s go back a little bit in time. It all started when Ted Nelson in 1965 created the hypertext. Basically, it is a text that can be read non-linearly, in any direction and order. It is a text that has links (parts of the text previously marked, which lead us to other texts). From there also came the term “navigate” in the text, which we later used to surf the internet. Four years later, with the ARPANET project (initially 4 networked military computers), there was a need to make data available in a controlled way, and Ted Nelson’s idea served as a glove.


html code example

This incredible and simple idea (hypertext) is used on the internet to this day. Of course, over the years, the formatting language, which allows us to create hypertext, has undergone many evolutions and improvements, but without losing its simplicity. The HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) was created by Tim Berners-Lee, physicist, and mathematician, in honor of Ted Nelson, with the suggestion that the text was all interconnected as well as the brain’s neurons. His project was christened with the now-famous name worldwide web. Tim Berners-Lee is considered the father of the internet.

Tags are the tags that are used to give commands to the browser. HTML tags are usually used immediately before and after the element, you want to mark or format.

For example, if we want a particular text to appear as bold, we should use the tag to do so. Look:

This is an example of <strong>bold</strong> text

In this case, only the word bold will be highlighted, resulting in:

This is an example of bold text.

The tags can be written using uppercase, lowercase or even mixed, however, it has been agreed to always use lowercase letters.

Tags also have semantic value, that is, they tell search engines (like Google and Bing) information about the meaning of the text. In this way, search engines are increasingly improving the results displayed in a search.


With the advancement of the speed of the internet, and the need to attach multimedia features and even more advanced applications, the HTML language has evolved to its latest version,  HTML5. Its advantages over previous ones are numerous. We can mention, for example, the possibility of playing audio and video files without the use of external plugins. Before that, much of those demands were met by the plugin called Flash. Due to some flash characteristics, the tool is gradually falling into disuse, while the HTML5 standard has been steadily increasing.


In this article, we were able to observe what HTML (HyperText Markup Language) is, its origin and how it works. It’s also important to know that there are specific tools for creating HTML sites, including using the “WYSIWYG” view (where you see what you see or what you see is what you get) Focus on creating and leave most of the coding for the application, however, knowing HTML code can be the difference between solving a formatting problem or not.

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