PHP 7: Will developers adopt the new version?
Now that PHP 7.0 is finally released, it is PHP developers who will decide if they will adopt it in their projects or continue using
WordPress is safe.. Insecure you are..
Security is a process, and processes need to be well executed and guaranteed to make you feel safe with your application, or at least quieter.
Remove the generation of copies of uploaded images in WordPress
By default, WordPress generates 3 sizes for each of the original image that we load. Themes and plugins can create additional image sizes. Thus, your
How do I create a 301 redirect on WordPress
Hello readers! As always, most of the WordPress CMS users end up asking a question to themselves that “How do I create a 301 redirect
Optimizing images for faster WordPress Website
Image optimization is one of the main rules used for PageSpeed Insights by Google, during a performance test. In this process, the tool detects images
What is WordPress and why we should use it?
WordPress is a content management system (CMS) (developed in PHP and MySQL database) that allows you to create and maintain the website or a blog in
Nestify + WordCamp
We’re pleased to announce that we are sponsoring two WordCamp events in coming weeks. If you are attending any one of these WordCamps, instructions to
How We Cache Dynamic Content : CloudFlare Railgun™
As a CloudFlare Optimized Partner, we offer the CloudFlare Railgun™ technology to all our customers. Railgun is CloudFlare’s latest performance optimization technology that gives you
How CloudFlare increases speed and security of your site
This is a guest post written and contributed by Cloudflare. Cloudflare makes it easy for any site to be as fast and secure as the
Here’s Why Your Site Needs to be FAST
It makes sense that you want your blog or e-commerce site to go as fast as it can. But you also want it to look

How to change your WordPress domain Without Losing SEO Benefits
You can change your domain in WordPress in a number of ways, for example: through the admin panel, editing wp-config.php or functions.php files and even

The Easy Guide To Add Background Image In WordPress
If you are thinking to add background image in WordPress page or post to make it more attractive, then you can certainly do it and

How to Make WordPress Website Private Without Coding
WordPress is versatile and comes with an extensive list of features. Yet there is no feature that lets you make your WordPress website private if

Embed Google Form In WordPress in 20 Seconds
Here are the clear steps to embed Google Form in WordPress website. These are so easy that you can have a Google Form on your

Know How to Find the Best Colors for Your Blog Design Using HTML Color Charts
Color charts are important for you to design your website or blog well! The HTML color charts help you define what color pattern you will