6 Tips to Become a Freelancer without a Headache

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Check out 6 precious tips that can help you start your freelance career without headaches!

Since 2015, with unemployment only increasing due to the economic crisis that has plagued the world, many people are betting on the freelance career. But what is it to be a freelancer? This is the term for professionals who are self-employed and provide services of any nature to individuals or legal entities. It is an excellent option for professionals who wish to re-enter the market but are having difficulty finding a formal job. If you feel like being a freelancer and still do not know where to start, read this article to the end and know 6 valuable tips that can guide you in your career.

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Build your portfolio

If you want to be a freelancer, start by setting up a good portfolio. But what is this? It is a collection of work done by a professional or a company that demonstrates all its capacity in the area in which it intends to act. The goal of the portfolio is to impress the client by showing him that you are capable of delivering quality service and deserve to be hired for it.

Of course, if you’re starting now, you can use the latest college work as your initial portfolio. Some sites can help you mount it, but be very careful and only put the best projects or works that you have developed. Your future client should have a great impression of you.

Determine a fair price

Once you have acquired a certain experience and a diverse portfolio, you can already set a price for your freelance work. This is perhaps one of the freelancers’ biggest questions: how much to charge the customer for their work? Even if there are several opportunities for you, do not accept a very low price that will devalue your time, dedication and effort that you used to get the job done.

Nor it is worth charging too expensive prices, which are above the market average and do not match what you are offering. A good tip to price your service is to analyze the market or your own work. See how much your competitors charge for a particular service and always be careful to stipulate the price according to the law of supply/demand of your service. Always be attentive to the needs of your customers. Ideally, you should charge a price that is fair to you and your customer.

Choose Your Place of Work

If you really want to be a freelancer, think of a location that is strategic for the accomplishment of all your activities. You can work at the company you serve or at home in the home office style. Ideally, it is better to find a place that is quiet and that you are able to produce well to deliver all work to the client on time. Many freelancers prefer to work home office by having several advantages, while others prefer to rent a business room to work.

Do your networking

This is perhaps one of the top tips for being a freelancer. The professional must establish a network of contacts and always maintain their networking. In this form of work, many opportunities that appear are through referrals from friends or relatives. Exchange information about your area of action with your contacts. In addition, this attitude provides better job opportunities for the freelancer.

A tip to increase your networking is to attend events or even talking to other professionals in the area. Utilize social networking platforms that can help you spread your portfolio and your professional profile. The LinkedIn, for example, is a social network that is totally geared towards work relationships, which can be a great way to create and maintain a network of contacts.

Do what you like

Many people are dissatisfied with their job and decide to start their freelance career. If you fall into this situation, consider this as an opportunity and focus on the activities you enjoy and really enjoy developing. You can choose to work with something that you have an affinity and as a freelancer, you have several opportunities to explore.

One of the advantages of this is that you do not necessarily need to have an education in economics or accounting to write about it, for example. Just search for the required amount of information about the topic, study and update yourself, and have interest and resourcefulness!

Formalize yourself

The best option for people who wish to work as a freelancer is to formalize themselves as MEI (Micro Entrepreneur Individual). Professionals who formalize with MEI will be entitled to some benefits with the issuance of an invoice, retirement, and loans. Some clients require the freelancer to issue invoices before hiring their services and this can be a differential compared to their competitors since many professionals are not aware of this issue.

Being formalized brings two great advantages to the freelancer: The first of these is that you can provide services for large company as a legal person since you can issue invoice and the second advantage is you can pass the impression to your client that you are a reliable person and they can rest assured that all services will be delivered on time. Increased customer reliability is of paramount importance in this area. If you really want to become a professional freelancer, follow the tips given above carefully!

Still, have questions about being a freelancer without headaches? No problem. In our blog, you can read more about this and other subjects. For us, the customer always comes first and we make every effort to provide a quality service.

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