An Introduction To CMS (Content Management System)

Table of Contents

Content Management System is a platform that has got structured modularly tools, allowing users to manage (add, edit, delete) the content of a website. Because of CMS, users can manage different types of formats and digital files (files, images, videos) without facing problems.

Types of CMS (Content Management System)

There are different types of CMS according to our needs or requirements, technology can vary, but the most popular is PHP on which most of the programming scripts are based.

Uses and types of CMS (Content Management System)

As content system, usually under specific requirements, developed by specialist companies:

  •  Joomla, Drupal: GENERIC platforms
  • WordPress, Blogger, TMZ: Used for personal websites and Blog
  • Vbulletin, phpBB, SMF, IPBoard: Forums used to discuss topics of interest.
  • Magento, PrestaShop, ZenCart, DigiStore, OsCommerce: Used for electronic commerce (E-commerce Websites)
  • Moodle, WebCT, ATutor: Used for educational purposes (E-learning)
  • Chat
  • Technical support
  • Frequent questions
  • Platforms help

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Many home users use free CMS to develop and manage their personal websites, obtaining fully featured dynamic websites. The result obtained is higher than some companies that still have websites with static pages.

These are some of the most important points that make the use of a CMS useful:

Inclusion of new features on the web, this operation may involve the review of many pages and code generation that provides the functionality. With a CMS that can be as simple as including a module made by third parties, without incurring many changes in the web. The system can grow and adapt the future needs.

Maintaining a lot of pages

In a website with many pages, you need a system to distribute the work of creating, editing and maintenance to permits access to different areas. We also have to manage metadata of each document versions, publication and expiration pages and broken links, among others.

Reuse of objects or components

A CMS allows the recovery and reuse of pages, documents, and in general any published or stored object.

Interactive pages

Static pages are served to the users that are stored on the web server. In contrast, dynamic pages do not exist on the server as received in browsers, but are generated according to user requests. Thus when such a search engine is used, the system generates a page with results that did not exist prior to the request. To achieve this interaction, the CMS connects to a database that makes central repository of all web data.

Changes the appearance

If there is a good separation between content and presentation, a change in the website may require the review of many pages for its implementation. CMS facilitate changes with the use, for example, the standard CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) so that the independence of presentation and content is achieved.


Consistency on a web does not mean that all pages are equal, but there is a (visual) order instead of chaos. A user immediately note when a page is not like the rest of the same web in appearance, the disposition of objects or changes  in the navigatation. These differences cause feeling of disorder and suggest that the website is not designed by professionals. CMS can apply the same style on every page with CSS mentioned, and apply the same structure by patterns of pages.

Access control

Controlling access to a website is not simply to allow entry to the website, it is also necessary to control the different permissions to each area of the website, applied either to groups or individuals.

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