Does Web Designer Really Needs to Know About UX?

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The simple, straightforward answer is “yes,” but it’s not that simple; not all web designers need to be UX or UI (user interface) designers, but everyone should know the least to understand that their designs are a significant part of the experience that the user will have when using the product or service.


Why UX is Important for the Web Designer



When a user visits a website or accesses an app, the first thing they try is the design. The design has a massive role in shaping the user experience and presenting the brand and its features.


While companies, platforms, and application companies often hire an interface designer (UI), the web designer usually designs websites. Sites, in turn, do not differ from applications in the interface: there is a menu that guides the user through content, and, hopefully, such a menu is like a funnel; the user needs to be led to understand what the company wants him to do and make it as easy as possible.


Without implementing at least the basics to promote a good user experience, companies tend to have lovely sites; but with ZERO convergence, high bounce rates, and disgruntled visitors.


Blogs and news sites are talking about the “death of web design,” decreeing that web design and web designers are part of the past. The idea behind this argument is that the web designer can no longer be a JUST web designer! He needs to be a UX designer or a web developer who can design such an experience! The company, mainly startups, wants to hire only one person who can handle both fronts without needing to hire a UX expert!


UX 101



Nowadays, more and more advertisers and companies are understanding the importance of investing in creating an excellent user experience throughout the consumer lifecycle (sales, support, and loyalty). Digital channels are being made, support and customer service are optimized, and content is written with the user being the ultimate goal.


All this has an absurd significance in the consumer’s life cycle!





The conversion rate automatically rises when given the necessary emphasis on the user experience through sales channels. This happens because a funnel has been worked on in advertisements, blogs, content in social networks, and landing pages; easy to understand and user-friendly tools.


Users who need to spend time looking for the next step inside that funnel start competing with it. While content is a fundamental part of the conversion, web design is the user’s first impression, and they need to know instantly where they take the next step to go forward!





Does a web designer need to know about UX?  – Customer/consumer/ user assistance is essential!


User/consumer support is something commonly overlooked or something that companies understand that one should not invest too many resources. And it is something that the web designer usually does not consider, but it should.


Once the user/consumer has purchased a product or subscribed to a list, it is essential to offer the best service possible; the bill is simple: improve the product/service to minimize support costs and increase customer satisfaction.


One of the outputs many companies found was creating a support interface or website for their customers to seek information about the products/services. The design of such a tool should be easy to understand, take into account the region where such a client resides, and simply offer information so that the user does not need to contact a human being through chat or telephone.





Does a web designer need to know about UX?  – Would the American consumer be so different from the Indian?


The last step in the consumer lifecycle is customer loyalty. It is about getting the user/customer to continue paying for the services/products offered. And this is achieved if the user experience was positive or not, and web design had (or should have) a vital role in every step towards such an achievement!


Nowadays, the web designer needs to think like an expert in UX and create projects for his clients. It is easy to fall into the trap of creating something “beautiful” when in reality, the goal of the design is to increase the quality of the user experience. Steve Jobs said: “If the user is having problems, the problem is ours.”


How UX Changes the Web Development Process



Does a web designer need to know about UX?  – The improvements that UX promotes are exciting, and you should think about them …


Every web designer works differently. Some prefer to discuss customer needs, not respecting the brand’s visual language, and submit one or two layout proposals for approval. UX changes this process and puts some more steps in that work.


Here are some things to consider: Discussing UX with the customer is essential. If the customer already has this knowledge and there is a marketing group to work with, the task becomes much more accessible. However, it is the web designer’s responsibility to discuss the importance of reinforcing the user experience, understanding what the customer wants as a project and what the site’s proposal is (generating leads, receiving information, etc.), and what message mark passes.


The designer needs the most critical information to create a targeted UX knowing the audience. Do not just ask about age, sex or income. You need to know where these people are having fun, what they buy and do, and what attracts them visually. Once the web designer has this information in his hands, he can create a template or a draft that expresses such suggestions and present it to the client, explaining and arguing why this is the best structure to be offered.


Such a structure will serve as a basis for achieving the previously proposed goals with the user experience in mind.


Once the draft is approved, it is time to immerse yourself in the design. Choose colors and elements that refer to the visual language and what will spark the visual interest of your audience. Be sure to design an easy-to-navigate website and present it to people unfamiliar with the brand and the product/service offered. Consider the funnel and consumer lifecycle to create a consistent design for the user.


UX is not like riding a bike. It is constantly changing, is more intuitive, and involves a lot of trial and error in each one of the audiences that you will find. Even so, it is essential to understand that the user experience is something the company/customer should offer, or at least should! Every decision you make should take into account the user experience, and this starts with the project.


Web designers who can offer expertise in UX and think about strategic design are much more valuable to companies, and the demand for their services is always high.


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