How Does Email Marketing Prove Beneficial For A WooCommerce Store?

Table of Contents

Email marketing doesn’t have to be boring! With the right email marketing tools, you can spice up your campaigns and keep your subscribers engaged – without resorting to cat memes (although we won’t judge if you do).

Whether you’re looking to build your email list, create stunning email designs, or track your email performance, there’s a tool out there. From Mailchimp to Klaviyo, these tools can help you turn your email campaigns from snooze fests into engaging and entertaining messages that your subscribers look forward to reading. So please grab a cup of coffee (or tea, we don’t discriminate), and let’s dive into the wonderful world of email marketing tools!

Impact of Email Marketing on Your WooCommerce Business

email marketing

  1. Very efficient

Do you want your marketing messages to reach your present and potential customers? For that, email is your best bet. The numbers bear this out. Other studies have shown that as many as 90% of emails reach their intended recipients. Emails have an open rate that could average 30%

Most importantly, only 4.24 percent of email-marketing visitors make a purchase. That’s over twice as many as organic search engine results (2.49% conversion rate) and more than seven times as many as social media (0.59% conversion rate).

  1. Saves Money

Email marketing is a cost-effective method of promotion that keeps the bank intact. One cent or less will be spent on emailing your marketing list. The return on investment (ROI) for email marketing is $44 for every $1 spent, the highest ROI of any marketing channel.

3. Exceptionally Customizable

The primary objectives of newsletters and email marketing are to establish a personal relationship with your audience, to keep in touch with them, and to enrich their lives with your content. Customers will feel like valuable contributors to your company. (unless you spam them with irrelevant content).

According to the Direct Marketing Association (DMA), 58% of your annual revenue could come from sending targeted emails to your email list of loyal customers. SmarterHQ reports that 72 percent of consumers will only respond to targeted communications.

  1. Favored by the Market

They want to hear from you and learn more about your company, so they sign up for your email list. Research shows that email is the preferred method of customer connection with companies (61%).

The objective of any email should be to get the recipient to do something. Emails should provoke a reaction from the recipient, be it a click, a purchase, or a registration. Because your email list subscribers are your most dedicated consumers and will visit your website first, marketers use emails to tell customers of upgrades or new products and improve website traffic.

  1. Raises the profile of the brand

The newsletters that companies send out today are works of art that invite readers into the company’s environment and make them feel like they belong there. If your customers are following you, it’s because they like what you’re selling. And emails might make that urge even more vital.

Avoid sending customers random emails and instead focus on maintaining a consistent brand voice and image. Getting a customer to trust you is job one. Customers tend to despise businesses that focus solely on making a sale. Get them interested in more than simply your company’s products.

  1. Directed Advertising

Email marketing also helps with lead generation. Customers are at different points in the buying cycle, making emails helpful in upselling, cross-selling, and other sales methods.

Some clients may be researching, comparing, or ready to buy. Therefore it’s essential to create a targeted email list. Develop buyer personas to guide what you write at each email milestone.

The importance of making a good first impression is widely acknowledged. The first step in making a good impression on a new customer is to send them a welcoming email. It is common practice for a “welcome email” to be sent to a user upon their first visit to a website. Since these emails are meant for first-time site visitors, they will likely be opened. Customers who are new to your company or brand could benefit from receiving a welcome letter outlining the newest products and services available from your business.

Your welcome email should contain engaging content that makes the recipient want to revisit your store. Write attention-grabbing headlines, advertise new items, detail their benefits, meet specific requests, and offer outstanding support to boost sales.

Types Of Emails Used By Ecommerce Companies

1. Welcome Emails

Welcome email

The importance of making a good first impression is widely acknowledged. The first step in making a good impression on a new customer is to send them a welcoming email. It is common practice for a “welcome email” to be sent to a user upon their first visit to a website. Since these emails are meant for first-time site visitors, they will likely be opened. Customers who are new to your company or brand could benefit from receiving a welcome letter outlining the newest products and services available from your business.

Your welcome email should contain engaging content that makes the recipient want to revisit your store. Write attention-grabbing headlines, advertise new items, detail their benefits, meet specific requests, and offer outstanding support to boost sales.

2. Subscriber Emails

Subscriber Emails

According to studies, email marketing is one of the most effective methods of getting the word out about your business or product. But if you can’t build and maintain an email list of subscribers, you may kiss success goodbye. This can be accomplished by regularly sending newsletter emails to your subscriber base. A newsletter is a fantastic tool for keeping clients updated on your business’s latest happenings. Using a newsletter to educate and entertain your audience is much more effective than trying to sell them something, and it’s designed to sound less like a hard sell and more like a casual update. One way to activate emails is by using a subscription plugin

3. Promotional Emails

Promotional Emails

Promotional emails are a type of email marketing in which a business informs its subscriber list about its products and services. Email marketing is an effective tool for spreading the word about time-sensitive deals and exclusive content. Contacts need to be persuaded to take some action, whether making a purchase more quickly, bringing in new consumers, or increasing their spending with existing customers. A promotional email aims to encourage readers to become repeat customers. Sales are the most common kind of conversion. However, other actions, such as downloads, calls planned, event registrations, etc., can also count. Email marketing is frequently used for time-sensitive sales and other promotions.

4. Abandoned Cart Emails

Abandoned Cart Emails

Website users who start the checkout process but still need to complete their purchases receive emails known as abandoned cart emails, cart abandonment series emails, or shopping cart abandonment emails. The main target is customers who begin an online purchase but need to follow through. The store’s owner or the website administrator can send the first of multiple abandoned cart emails around an hour after the user abandons the purchase in the hopes of enticing the consumer to return and complete the transaction. Statistics show that 88% of internet purchases are never completed or abandoned. Customers who have already signed into their accounts can be reminded to complete their purchases by email using website tracking software.

5. Transactional Emails

Transactional Emails

Transactional emails are automated, one-to-one messages sent through a service or application in response to events, interactions, or preferences, such as password resets, welcome emails, shipping notifications, bills, purchase receipts, and account notifications. Emails sent as part of a transaction should be used only to further that transaction and not for any other reason. Marketing or promotional emails are those sent with the express intent of increasing sales of a certain good, service, or brand. First-time site users will probably require assistance throughout the purchase procedure, and you’ll have to attend to their requirements occasionally. The emails you send to consumers should address any concerns they may have with your business and its products. 

ü Account creation

ü password reset

ü Confirmation email

ü Order status updates

ü Shipping info

ü Delivery confirmations

6. Automated Emails

Automated Emails

A customer’s activity can trigger many predetermined emails from WooCommerce. Automated tasks include: onboarding newly registered customers; upselling after an order; recovering abandoned carts; requesting reviews; re-engaging inactive customers; sending personalized content based on data from a customer intake form; etc.

7. One-Off Email Blasts

One-Off Email Blasts

These emails are sent directly from you to some or all of your clients. Whether you choose to send emails individually or in a series, what matters is that you make a conscious decision about when to send each one.

8. Newsletters


E-commerce newsletters are a special breed of email. They are more frequent than typical promotional emails, but they still provide discounts and specials. (e.g. weekly or monthly). Maintaining consumers’ enthusiasm for your product is essential.

Collect subscribers with the help of a WooCommerce newsletter plugin, then divide your audience into subgroups based on their likely purchases and other preferences, and send out newsletters that will get people talking. Here are some of our best suggestions to make your WooCommerce newsletter even more successful.

Techniques Of Incorporating WooCommerce Email Marketing 

1. Integrated Features

The default WooCommerce options should be sufficient if you just want to make a few minor adjustments to your emails and don’t need granular control over the layout and content of each email template.

Using those options, you can change how your emails look and how some default messages are worded. (no way to customize anything based on conditions).

2. DIY Coding

Warning: working this out needs knowledge of coding and WordPress/WooCommerce and could take you hundreds of hours. It is possible to make changes to the WooCommerce email template by copying it to the theme folder.

Each email follows its own template, with overall formatting determined by a master file named email-styles.php. This is the place to study CSS colors and variables. If you want to alter and standardize the design of all of your WooCommerce emails, you may do so by modifying this file in your child theme.

Keep in mind that the typical shop owner will likely require assistance when trying to make changes to the email templates used by WooCommerce. ShopMagic is an easy-to-use plugin that may boost productivity dramatically, regardless of your coding skills or WooCommerce experience. In the event that you make a mistake in your code and require assistance in determining how to rectify the situation, the default email templates may be found in the WooCommerce GitHub repository.

3. Using A Plugin

Caution: this simple method can save you endless hours of time that you would have wasted on routine activities. The quickest approach to improve your emails is to use an email marketing plugin to make changes to your WooCommerce templates. Instead of scouring Stack Overflow and Facebook communities for code advice, you can use this approach to focus on developing better email content and strategy.

Using a plugin like ShopMagic, which includes a WYSIWYG editor, segmentation with complicated filters, and in-built placeholders, you may freely alter your WooCommerce emails.

Tips to Identify Your User Preferences For Email Marketing

1 – Industry Trends 

email marketing

Image courtesy:

If you are using email marketing, you are working in that field. If you want to succeed in this market, you must study the tendencies of the industry. Furthermore, if you successfully curb the trend, you can inform your customers about the sector.

Keeping up with the leaders in your field is the most challenging approach to figuring out what’s going on. To follow entails keeping a close eye on their tactics. Sign up for their email lists, social media accounts, and website subscriptions. This information will tell you:

  • How many emails do they send weekly, and what share of them are promotional?
  • What should be the format of their periodic mailings and promotional emails?
  • What kind of layout do they use for their automatic welcome mailings, if any?
  • How often do they send out promotional emails?
  • What additional content categories do they send, and how often?
  • What should be the style of their email correspondence?
  • What should be the average email length?

Your email marketing approach may continuously be enhanced by keeping tabs on these metrics and learning from the practices of industry leaders.

2 – Self-Analysis 

When trying to understand users’ preferences, self-analysis is essential. How can you conduct self-analysis in WooCommerce email marketing? Consider yourself as the customer. Figure out what emails you’d like to get from your marketer. This will assist you in understanding the personas of your consumers. If you, as a subscriber, like a strategy for reaching out to your target demographic, then the strategy is fine. However, act on your thoughts if you feel something is lacking or irritating.

email marketing strategy

For instance, as a subscriber to your email newsletter, if you don’t like the timing of receiving the newsletter or aren’t motivated by the email copies, something must be reviewed. As a result, you can constantly develop your WooCommerce email marketing plan.

3 – Email Analytics 

email analytics

Email analytics is the most powerful tool in your arsenal for understanding your users’ preferences. You can obtain detailed information about how your email performs in your user mailbox. And, using this data, you can make more data-driven judgments. Let’s see what data you’ll obtain from an email plugin for your WooCommerce store.

  • Subscribe Rate: The amount of people who subscribe to your newsletter over time. If your subscription rate is low, something is wrong with your email marketing strategy. Or you aren’t advertising your newsletter as much as you should. However, it could also signal that they aren’t interested in accepting your offer.
  • Unsubscribe Rate: The number of people who unsubscribed from your mailing over time. If this number is high, it usually means you’re sending too many emails or focusing too much on marketing emails. For example, if you’re sending emails every day and the unsubscribe rate is rising, you may need to limit your email frequency to once a week.
  • Open Rate: How many of your subscribers open a specific email? You can use this data to better understand your email open rate. Keep track of which emails and copies are being opened the most. And the days/times of week when emails are most likely to be opened.
  • Conversion Rate: The percentage of subscribers who buy anything after receiving your email promotion. This might assist you in tracking the success of individual marketing communications.
  • Geolocation Data: This information can assist you learn which areas of the country prefer your items the most. As a result, by targeting such users, you may deliver more tailored emails.

If you use this data correctly, you can maximize your WooCommerce email marketing results on a wide scale.

4 – Split Testing 

A/B testing is the process of delivering one variant of your campaign to a subset of your subscribers and another to a different subset of your subscribers, with the ultimate goal of determining which variation of the campaign produces the best results.

split testing

With A/B testing, you can:

  • Increase open and click-through rates
  • Increase conversion rate and generate income
  • Clarify your target group’s expectations
  • Save time and money
  • You can A/B test with the following email settings
  • Email topic headers
  • Preheaders
  • Various times and days
  • Email designs
  • Email content
  • CTA and buttons 

This is how you should begin A/B testing for your WooCommerce store and plan more targeted email marketing.

5 – Directly Inquiring With Your Subscribers

email marketing

You can directly ask your readers what they are craving through emails. Alternatively, whether they are content with the way you are raising them. You can accomplish this by using any or all of the methods listed below.

Include a question at the end of each email campaign, such as “Are you satisfied with the frequency of these emails?”

Ask your social media followers what material might entice them to join your newsletter. Create a specialized poll in which unsubscribers are asked to explain their unsubscribing.

You can also use this leverage to ask whatever questions you think are required to understand their mindset. This should make it easier for you to comprehend your consumers’ preferences.

Success Stories Of Companies With Effective Email Marketing

  1. Airbnb

When it comes to email marketing, Airbnb is now the gold standard. They take an approach that prioritizes relationship building over merely making a sale. Their email approach is thoughtfully designed to make each communication feel like a comforting embrace from an old friend.

The usage of data is a vital part of Airbnb’s email strategy. They use the information they collect to tailor their emails to each customer. This strategy allows them to attract consumers’ attention, win their loyalty, and set themselves apart from the competition.

Airbnb’s transactional emails also contain valuable and interesting information. Whether it’s through recommending new properties that fit a user’s criteria or providing helpful advice on how to make the most of their Airbnb stay, Airbnb’s emails are written with the consumer in mind. 

The use of narrative is also integral to Airbnb’s email strategy. Each email has its narrative, whether it’s about a new listing, a grateful customer, or a helpful travel resource. Airbnb boosts the memorability and interest of its brand through email marketing by injecting a sense of excitement and surprise into the inbox. Customers are made to feel like they are part of an elite group by employing flashy colors and typefaces. Their email marketing method is exemplary for companies who want to forge deeper connections with their clientele.

2. Grammarly

To help its clients become better writers, Grammarly employs email marketing. You may expect to receive grammar advice, news about upcoming features, and links to relevant resources in their emails. Grammarly has garnered a large and devoted fan base by consistently exceeding its users’ expectations. Value creation is at the heart of Grammarly’s email marketing strategy. Their emails are designed to educate and sell by providing readers with tools and advice to hone their writing talents. The utilization of informative material is fundamental to Grammarly’s email marketing strategy. They offer advice on writing and grammar as well as updates on new functions and capabilities.

By taking this tack, Grammarly may earn its consumers’ trust and become an indispensable tool rather than a mere vendor. The emails you receive from Grammarly are as aesthetically pleasing as their website. They employ professional photography and striking typefaces to draw the reader in and keep them interested in the subject matter. Their email messages are laid out so that readers may quickly scan for the information that matters to them. Grammarly uses segmentation extensively in its email approach. They may better serve their audience by addressing them as individuals and delivering material that is tailored to their needs. Customers who are new to Grammarly may receive a different set of emails than those who have been using the service for some time. Email marketing is another method Grammarly employs to advertise its premium offerings. But they need a more proactive and sympathetic attitude. Instead of aggressively promoting their premium services, they inform customers about them and allow them to make the final decision. 

3. Hubspot

HubSpot, the inbound marketing platform, also uses email marketing to nurture leads and guide them through the sales funnel. HubSpot sends tailored emails with informative content and resources, such as eBooks and webinars, to educate its audience and build trust. Their emails are not just a sales pitch but an opportunity to engage with customers and provide them with useful insights to help them succeed in their business.

HubSpot also uses email marketing to nurture leads and guide them through the sales funnel. They provide helpful content and resources to help customers make informed decisions about their marketing and sales strategies.

4. Uber

Lastly, Uber, the ride-hailing giant, has a robust email marketing strategy. Uber uses email marketing to keep customers informed and engaged, sending personalized emails with ride suggestions, promotions, and service updates. Uber’s emails are well-crafted and designed to keep customers coming back for more. They provide time-sensitive promotions and discounts, encouraging customers to use their services more frequently. This approach helps create a sense of urgency and exclusivity, motivating customers to take action.

Uber also uses email marketing to gather feedback from their customers. They send email surveys to gather feedback on their services and learn more about their customers’ needs and preferences. This approach helps Uber improve their services and create a more customer-centric experience.


Email marketing will become increasingly important as we advance into the digital age. If you want to catch the attention of your subscribers and break through the cacophony of their inboxes, you must use inventive email marketing methods. WooCommerce store owners may progressively grow leads by using contemporary email marketing solutions. While marketing technology has advanced, email remains the most successful way of long-term consumer engagement.

An email marketing solution can help you connect with your audience, keep them updated on the status of their transaction, and adapt your messages to their buying habits. A well-executed marketing campaign can boost client lifetime value and generate greater brand loyalty.

WooCommerce store owners are in luck because there are various plugins and integrated technologies available to assist them in coordinating the operations of their online shop with their email marketing activities.


What is the process for beginning WooCommerce email marketing? 

You must register for an email marketing solution that interfaces with WooCommerce in order to start using WooCommerce email marketing, such as Mailchimp or Constant Contact. The next step is to build up your email campaigns and compile a subscriber list.

What are some WooCommerce email marketing best practices? 

Personalizing your emails, segmenting your audience, including eye-catching pictures, including a clear call to action, testing your emails before sending them out are some best practices for WooCommerce email marketing. 

How can I determine whether my WooCommerce email marketing strategies are effective? 

By monitoring indicators like open rates, click-through rates, conversion rates, and the amount of money each campaign generates, you can assess the effectiveness of your WooCommerce email marketing efforts.

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