There are about 10,000 extensions in Joomla, and its growth is increasing gradually. Then offer a selection of free or paid extensions worth trying because it will facilitate many tasks (eCommerce, Backup, calendars, anti-spam management …).
When you integrate eCommerce on Joomla using VirtueMart, you get the most advanced (and most widespread) solution for creating a virtual store in this system. The extension has existed for many years and is constantly evolving, so we will ensure upgrades to future versions.
[button link=”” newwindow=”yes”] This extension is free and can be downloaded from here[/button]
Akeeba Backup
Akeeba Backup is a powerful extension whose sole objective: The Backup and restoration of a website instantly. Migrating the site to a different server, moving it to another location, or creating an exact clone is a breeze with this extension.
The setup wizard is straightforward to understand. It supports multiple standard formats ZIP, JPA or JPS files AES-128 and can even be set to copy it to a site with Cloud automatically. It has integrated support for numerous platforms.
[button link=”″ newwindow=”yes”] This extension is free and can be downloaded from here[/button]
JCal Pro
This is a magnificent and powerful event calendar extension that also supports multiple languages. Among its features permits for creating events/display and event management, various calendars, which include public or private, WYSIWYG event descriptions, installation of the administrative tools and direction, back-end events, integrated search plugin, feature-Rich- mini calendar, and the latest events modules, the new module FLEX, useful content editor plugin, RSS feeds, support SEF URL, total print views, accessories Community Builder and JomSocial plugins.
[button link=”″ newwindow=”yes”] This extension is paid but can opt for a demo. You can download it from here[/button]
Contact Enhanced Component
It is a component for managing contacts, is mighty and customizable, and can add new features and benefits to our forms.
- Custom fields
- Addresses / GoogleMaps
- HTML email messages
- Captchas
- Multi-language support
- Integration of Campaign
- Monitor Newsletter
[button link=”″ newwindow=”yes”] This extension paid and even has a demo. You can download it from here[/button]
R Antispam
It is an exceptional anti-spam extension especially designed for forums in Joomla. It uses a Bayesian algorithm, which means we get better every day. Besides being used in Kunena Forums or NinjaBoard, it can be adapted for use in other components.
[button link=”” newwindow=”yes”] This extension is free and can be downloaded from here [/button]