How much will a website cost in 2022?

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The world is going digital, and so are the business requirements of the era. Did you get your website built on your own, or are you planning to hire a professional web developer? There are great chances you do not possess the expertise to create your e-commerce website. Still, with the sudden increment in the number of customers shopping online, you have no other option but to get professional help for your e-commerce website development. However, is the cost factor getting on your nervousness because of the juvenile state of your retailing business? Then indeed, the very first question that will pop up in your brain is how much the e-commerce website will cost and to what figures it will shoot up for the startup of a business website.


One thing that needs to be very clear in mind is that the range cost for developing a website or the Word Press e-commerce development ranges from $5000- $11,000. Now, the type of content, the quality of the website required, the number of hyperlinks, and various similar factors decide the final cost of the website. A single amount cannot be declared as the standard rate because of the changes in the bulk and quality of the websites as per the demands and requirements of the startup. Apart from the typical home page, ‘About Us page, and services page, the type of your startup business and its needs also decide the number of pages that will get linked to your website, and with that number, the figures in the final amount also increase.


For instance, if you are planning for the- retailing of fashion series, your website will require a lot of beautification jobs, while if it is for simple products, then the sober and simple website will do the bait. Therefore, the cost depends entirely on the type of startup and the website’s content. Talking about the beautification job, the procurement method of stylish graphics will also play a significant role in deciding the final cost. Whether the pictures will be designed or taken from the internet, whether you possess a domain name or not, all these questions and their answers will make up the final cost of the development of the website.


2019 will see an increment in the number of online customers, and so will the increase in e-commerce websites. The question that arises about the cost of developing a website is the one that requires a clear understanding so that people may not get confused with the price paid by any other similar entrepreneur. The entire depends upon the time and resources needed for the website development team. For instance, if you have prepared the list of your products to be displayed on the website transparently on a spreadsheet, then it will indeed reduce the time of the web developer team, and the cost will get reduced to merely $4-5000. However, if the unit is given scratch to work from, then the price can increase to nearly $10-11,000.


Summing up the charges of every facility, the list can be prepared as has been provided hereafter:


  • Domain Name- nearly $15 per year
  • E-commerce site costs- Can range from $150 to $400 per year
  • Designing hours- 100 hours if content will be provided, while more than 300 hours if the website needs to be prepared from scratch. So, the cost will also fluctuate in thousands accordingly.
  • Maintenance of database- Minimum charges will be $600, while it may shoot up to thousands if the number of maintenance services is more than expected.
  • Promotion of website- Minimum charges will be $400 per year, while these charges may increase depending upon the frequency of the rise.


After whining the costs and charges for the website development, it is necessary to understand which factors can lead to fluctuations in the provided cost range. The factors that decide the cost of the website are as follows:


  • Will the startup requires constructing a website from scratch, or will it just need annual maintenance.
  • Several pages and links.
  • Several commodities are to be displayed on the website.
  • Display of variations and colorful graphics.
  • Domain name registration.
  • Mode of payment to and the development of a suitable procedure.
  • The presence or absence of the provided excel sheet that will contain details about every commodity.
  • The requirement for special features


So, it entirely depends on your efforts, your startup, and how much your website development will cost.


Author bio:

Kerin Miller, an experienced WordPress developer at Stellen Infotech, submitted this post. She loves to write about the latest WordPress tips, news, and industry updates. If you need to hire a dedicated WordPress developer, contact his company via Facebook, Twitter, and Google+.


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