How to attract more customers to your Virtual Store in 2020

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After you create your store, make your products available, advertise your website and tell your customers in a physical store, you were not able to attract new customers to your online store? Calm! There are some tips for you to optimize your e-commerce, and thus gain more customers for your company. The virtual stores opened the possibility for more people to have their own business, producing at home and selling online. There are several benefits of a virtual store compared to the physical store, just know how to structure your e-commerce, within a strategic marketing planning to succeed. Do not have a Store yet? See Why have a virtual store? and Check out our tips:

Increase the number of accesses of your virtual store

Bring people to know your physical store, if you have one, and in case of a purchase, tell the customer of your website. If you only have the virtual store, speak to the largest number of people in your store, getting more visitors and being able to retain more customers.

To increase the number of visits to your virtual store, you need to create attractive ones that are inviting to new customers. One good way to do this is to insert content from your site into other portals. Create a blog for your website and write about topics related to your business to create authority among your customers. It is also possible to do this through social networks.

Invest in SEO

People are currently searching on the search engines before buying any product. As a result, it is increasingly important that your online store appears on the first page of search engines to reach potential customers. The best thing of all is that with SEO strategies it is possible to win customers in an organic way, ie without spending a penny for it.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a set of techniques that help your content rank among the best organic search results on sites like Google and Bing. The work will have good results, you only have to learn the practices of this method or, if you have a monthly budget, hire a specialized professional, it will surely be a well-invested money.

However, even with this, it is possible to learn at least the basics of SEO, because these are easy practices to apply, and of course, this will save you enough money to maintain the strategy of your store.

Sponsor links!

Allied to investing in SEO, where results should appear in the medium to long-term, make an investment in sponsored links. This is a paid way to make your products and content from your online store appear on the first page of search engines. So you’re getting results from both sides, both paid and organic.

To sponsor links you can use Google AdWords, Google’s ad platform. Initially, make controlled investments to have your online store at the top of the search engines.

The result with sponsored links can obtained in the short term and you can stop investing in that model after getting more customers.

Make good use of social networks!

All the tools you can use to leverage your business are worth it. Nowadays, it is almost impossible to find a person who does not have a social network at all. So you need to be present and make good use of your company’s social networks. Depending on your type of business you need to use networks like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, among others.

To use social networks right, you first need to set the guidelines for your business and then get to know your audience from each social network. Create profiles in social networks for your store and seek to participate in groups to know your market and be present always participating in discussions.

Once you’ve created a strategy, you frequently update your pages with interesting content to keep your loyal customers always following the news of your store and also to attract new customers.

Use high-quality photos of your products, give tips and encourage loyal customers to give testimonials about your products, which increases the credibility of your online store and attracts an audience that cares about your products.

Offer free shipping!

A widely used sales strategy is promotions. Many stores set a minimum value for purchases in your online store so you do not take losses and offer free shipping as a way to give your customers. You can also do this with slightly lower values for customers who are making their 1st purchase in your business.

Set deadlines for shipping your goods

One of the biggest complaints from customers who buy in virtual stores is the delay for the arrival of the products. Therefore, regardless of the deadlines that are possible for your company, present clearly to your customers to avoid doubts and complaints.

With that done, look forward to delivering the products before the deadline so your customers feel more satisfied with your products and your store.

Get your customers to evaluate your products and your online store

It is possible as a strategy to generate more credibility to your store is to make your loyal customers evaluate their products by giving a note and counting their experience as buyers in your store.

Create a system within your site for this, it is quite simple, you can also use social networks like Facebook where customers can give a note to your business page and comment on the experience they had with your store.

This virtual “word of mouth” generates more confidence in potential customers who have just met your site and are still in doubt about buying products from your online store.

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