How to Create Perfect Heading Tags for SEO in 2020

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Understand what Heading Tags are, how to use them in your text structures and of course how to assemble the perfect Tag Heading for your SEO. Check out!

Do not blame yourself. The Heading Tags are confusing indeed.

A lot of people – including myself – when they started having access to experiment with themes in word processors, had this idea of associating tags with the design. “I want my text to be italicized in lowercase, so I put h4” or “my text has to be in bold capitals, I go from h2”.

And that leaves Google crazy to crawl your content.

Heading tags are for structuring your text, not (only) promoting better design. So in this article, we will understand what Heading Tags are, how to use them and of course, the perfect Tag Heading for your SEO.

After all, what are Heading Tags?

The programming language most people use to create websites is called HTML (Hypertext Markup Language). Within this language, there are heading tags – or intertitles, if you prefer – that direct and indicate the importance of each topic. The HTML code for each one goes from “h1” to “h6”.

Through them, Google can interpret if your text is well organized and therefore more relevant and useful to the reader. Want to see it in practice? Follow this step-by-step guide:

Step 1: Enter a web page – preferably a quality blog

Post with Heading Tags

Step 2: Press Ctrl + U on Windows – or CMD + Option + U on Mac. You will access the source code of this page.

Heading Source Tags

Step 3: Press Ctrl + F and look for the tags: h1, h2, h3 …

Featured Heading Tags

The text “When will your page rank first in Google?” Is tagged h1. Therefore, it is the title of the post and most importantly in the hierarchy of tags. The next subject should be an h2, and if there is a topic inside h2, it will be h3, and so on:

Heading Tags Example

Simple, right?

How should you be using Heading Tags?

Now you understand how Heading Tags work. But what is the ideal practice to use them fully? I’ll give you an example of text building, so your blog posts are no longer a tangle of content:

Post title [h1]

  • Introduction [h2]
    • Affirmation of your thesis.
    • Introduce your ideas.
    • Forward to the first one.
  • Example 1 [h2]
    • Blah blah blah.
    • Blah blah blah.
    • Important and super useful things.
  • Example 2 [h2]
    • Blah blah blah.
    • Blah blah blah.
    • Important and super useful things.
  • Example 3 [h2]
    • Blah blah blah.
    • Blah blah blah.
    • Important and super useful things.
  • Conclusion [h2]
    • Recap the three examples.
    • Discuss how they have to do with your thesis.
    • Finish the thesis once and for all.

“But do all my texts have to be like this?” You ask. No, but the organization must follow that sense by separating topics and subtopics. That way, Google’s algorithm will understand your content and rank your page better.

How to Create Perfect Heading Tags?

Creating tags is no longer a secret, but there is a stark difference between knowing how to use heading tags and using the maximum potential of heading tags. This is what we will see in this section.

One h1 is enough for your text

Every page needs an h1. There is no reason to use more than one. Because? The SEO power of an h1 is huge since it must possess the keyword that will recur in the remainder of the text. If you use more than one h1, it does not mean that your SEO will be neutralized, but the potential of the keyword will be sprayed over the content. Changing in kids, the result will be less shocking with two or ten h1.

Only one h1 tag is enough.

Your tags should describe the current topic

Generally, your h1 will look like your SEO title, which you can configure via Yoast – the WordPress plugin that will greatly help in your optimization process.

And as I said, it will be the title of your post and should offer a sample of what the reader will find throughout the text.

The rest of the tags need to set the tone for what will be spoken next. It’s no use promising and not fulfilling, it’s bad for your content and for your SEO. Google can see all of this.

Your h1 must be between 20 and 70 characters

That used to be more important. Today, Google does not care much for the size of your h1. But the ideal size remains between 20 and 70 characters, to use the space offered consistently for the SEO of your page.

Want to change the look of your tags? Learn CSS!

If the design of your heading tags bothers you, modify your appearance yourself! With CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), you can tweak the tags the way it feels most pleasing to you. So your SEO stays intact and the look your way.

With these tips, we hope you can understand and use the full power of a Heading Tag. For SEO, it is one of the most basic and important things when producing content, making texts nice and understandable for your reader, you and the SEO of your page!

Did you like our tips? Want to know more about SEO and Heading Tags? Talk to us in the comments! We want to know your opinion!

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