IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS – What’s the difference between these services?

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The Cloud Computing is a trend that is here to stay. It is the technology of the moment, given the innumerable advantages, it brings to companies, offering scalability, agility, economy, security and high availability for business.

Organizations that invest in Cloud Computing solutions come up with a variety of applications that are planned according to the infrastructure model. The main models of this system are: IaaS (Infrastructure as a service), PaaS (Platform as a Service) and SaaS (Software as a Service).

Although these acronyms are not such a recent term in the market, many people still do not know what it is. In some cases, some of them have come to see this acronym, but do not know its real meaning or even use it in their routine, but are not aware of this because they have no contact with the concepts of Information Technology.

If you are part of the group of people who still do not know very well about the individualities of these service models, do not worry! Today we are going to show the differences between IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS. And if you already know, know which model is right for your needs.

IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service)

IaaS or Infrastructure as a Service is a model where the company hires IT infrastructure resources in cloud computing.  Generally, these features are offered by data center vendors.

The organization hires the hardware capacity that corresponds to memory, storage capacity, processing power and service levels that are mapped according to the business need.

In this modality, the company does not have any type of concern with installation and payment of an infrastructure, besides there are no investments with updates and maintenance of the same.

At IaaS, the company pays only for the resources used that are entirely the responsibility of the supplier and are totally flexible. For example, a company with a small amount of traffic will not need a large amount of storage, but if it does triple that traffic it may request increased memory if it is needed.

With all the special features of IaaS, the organization is able to gain time to carry out its activities, optimize costs and, consequently, increase its revenue.

Benefits of the IaaS model:

  • Infrastructure contracted as a service
  • Time gain
  • Productivity
  • Flexibility to increase and decrease resources
  • No facilities required
  • Variable cost
  • Scalability

PaaS (Platform as a Service)

It is between IaaS and SaaS, a more robust and flexible platform. The Platform as a Service is often used when you need to develop your cloud application without worrying about infrastructure, servers and software installation. That is, the platform as a service is a platform for you to develop your application quickly and efficiently.

PaaS can be made available both in public and private cloud. In addition, it also offers the capability of process automation.

Features of the PaaS model:

  • An environment designed for application development, testing and implementation.
  • Scalability
  • Security
  • Integration of web services and database
  • Accessibility
  • Process automation

SaaS (Software as a Service)

Also offered in Cloud Computing, the company invests in the on-demand use of software solutions in the form of services and is not related to the purchase of licenses.

It practicality allows the user to be able to use the software without the need of any installation on the computer, allowing several people to access through the web or integrated with a mobile application.

A great example of SaaS is Microsoft’s Skype. This communication software has several ways for people to communicate, from sending messages to group video conferences without having to pay the license to use, only a fee is charged according to the resources used. That is: you pay to use the service, not the product.

With the use of Software as a Service, the company can better plan its budget, being able to contract the resources according to the needs of your business, as if it were a form of rent, where you can cancel when you no longer need to use this service.

Benefits of the SaaS model:

  • Internet access
  • Centralized management
  • No need to pay license
  • Cost optimization
  • Use on demand
  • Can be canceled when you no longer need the service

Are these services similar?

Although the services are similar and with one of its main features being offered in Cloud Computing, all three models are divergent, of course.

As previously stated, SaaS is a Software, PaaS a platform and IaaS an Infrastructure. However, in both modalities, the company that contracted these services can enjoy similar benefits.

We can cite as an example the gain of scalability, optimization of time to carry out the daily activities of your company, reduction of costs with investments, flexibility to change the services according to your needs, among other numerous advantages. On both sides, these benefits are the same. However, each modality must be used according to what the company needs.

Which Companies Should Use IaaS?

Infrastructure as a Service is the most recommended option for SMEs (small and medium enterprises) that have very fast-growing and cannot keep up with this demand because its flexibility allows to increase and decrease the storage capacity according to the company’s need. Or virtual stores, which have a volatile demand at specific times, such as Black Friday or the end of the year.

Which Companies Should Use PaaS?

Ideal for companies that want to use a platform to develop their own applications or acquired by third parties in a more flexible way. The platform as a service is geared specifically to running applications, so it is more recommended for these developers.

Which Companies Should Use SaaS?

Software as a Service is highly recommended for small businesses that cannot purchase licenses for a job that does not have a stipulated long term because it has a more restricted budget.

Cloud computing

Regardless of the size of your business or business model, Cloud Computing solutions will always be essential to your operational activities. This is because management tools and storage services can be hired to improve the areas of the company and provide employees with mobility to perform their functions, which will be able to access their resources anywhere, simply by being connected to the internet.

With this, the company will gain a competitive advantage in the market, optimization of time, money and resources, potentialization of results and increase of revenue.

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