Know how secure your Website is from DDoS Attacks and how you can protect it!

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Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) is a type of viral attack where one vulnerable server is used to compromise many other servers by infecting them with malware. Then, attackers use all of them to attack a single target.

An overwhelming flood of incoming messages or traffic sent to the target system forcing it to shut down, resulting in legitimate users denied access. This type of viral intrusion, executed through what’s referred to as botnets, typically goes unnoticed until after the fact, thereby taking it to the top of the list when it comes to threats to internet security.

So, how safe is your website from a DDoS attack?

DDoS attacks often will be used to disguise nefarious schemes aimed at stealing intellectual property and taking over accounts, primarily when the attacks waged against smaller institutions.

Hackers use spam, viruses and other types of malware to crowd out the real traffic coming to your network. But is there anything that you can do to protect your website and revenue stream from being interrupted by these attacks? Of course there is!

Note these simple things you can do to protect your website from hackers.

  1. Use a Content Delivery Network

A CDN makes it easier for you to distribute IP addresses, domains and web assets, in turn making it harder for hackers using “nefarious schemes” to target your website.

  1. Add DDoS and other security measures at the CDN level

Many CDN users will often overlook certain advantages such as caching and edge servers that add speed, reliability and scalability to your website.

In combination with CDN security, which can offer DDoS protection; web app firewalls and enhanced DNS services, these tools can help you fight back against hijacking attempts and other fast-growing threats to your website.

  1. Introduce a DDoS mitigation solution to your network

Applying DDoS mitigation software to your network, data center, hosting site and origin servers can improve your chances of keeping your site up and running in the event of an attack.

  1. Choose the right host

Make sure you purchase only the best when choosing a web host. A good host will attempt to stop attacks before they reach your website.

Some hosts will shut down your site if you are attacked to avoid hurting their other customers; this is a hosting company to whom you don’t want to give your money.

  1. Use two – factor authentication

If you’re not using it, start now. One common way to hack into your website is your very own PC. It begins with a hacker tricking you into downloading something that tracks your keystrokes, and viola, they’ve got all your passwords.

Hackers are getting smarter, too, by updating the technology they use. Begin using two factor authentication. This works by giving you a one-time-use password in addition to your usual password. You are the only person to receive the one time password – your security now doubled.

  1. Get your own protection

You can get your DDoS protection outside of the security already in place by your web host. You can get a specialist DDoS protection service from several different providers. The services range from cheap to expensive, but the protection seems to be the same across the board. Besides, your web host should be running shelter already; this is only additional coverage.

  1. Back it up

Back up your website and all of your CRM data. This cannot be repeated enough: do it more than once in a while. Do it once a month, if not more.

If something happens and your information is yanked away from you, you’re going to want a copy of it somewhere. Take the advice of Matt Honan if you don’t think you need to back up your information.

But wait – The web host is backing it all up, so you don’t need to worry about it, right? Wrong! That web host could crash as easily as your website, then what will you do? Back everything up at least once a month.

If you can say you’ve done all of these steps, then you know how safe your website is from a DDoS attack. If you have no idea where you stand in any of these areas, get on it right away and find out. It’s worth it to avoid an epic crash of your system, resulting in loss of information and, worse yet, stolen data.

Don’t just assume that your website will never become a hacker target. Be proactive and take these steps to protect your website from attacks beforehand.

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