So Your Website Is In Trouble?

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If your site is in trouble, do not panic; this is normal these days.


The problems are the most diverse, and they can be internal, come from the company, the project has lost “paternity” inside the house, no one has time for the site, the person who cared went away, are various justifications.


Or the vendor handed us the hot potato and disappeared from the map. He did not do what he set out to do, did not deliver on time, we thought it was something else, and it was like that.


Still, the site is constantly invaded and hacked. The hosting provider says it’s our fault, we think it’s the vendor’s fault, and whoever “pilots” the site here in the company thinks everything is wrong.


And all the alternatives are correct. Making a website is not just hiring a freelancer or a company to develop something that we think is what it should be done.


Hardly a non-branch company knows exactly what its actual demands and best practices in the marketplace are. What the competition is doing well deserves to be honored (copied) simply because things change and evolve all the time.


See, website hosting is an essential thing in the process. There is no point in billing a few thousand dollars and wanting to host the site paying $ 5.00 a month.


In addition, it has the performance, the security, the certificate SSL, has the time of uptime. All these things influence the search result.


And being found is what matters. Talking about it is not just putting the website up. It has to produce content, relevant, recurring, and maintains frequency. Make it indexed, take care of the keywords, the name of the images, the related links, and everything.


It’s no use wanting to share on social networks and boost your publications. Ultimately, what matters is to be found by those you have not yet discovered, which is to be relevant in what you do best.


The result of the search and clicking the search engine, in the end, is what matters, not be accessed via social network by someone who knows you and has already bought your products and services.


Still, keep the thing working, backup, send emails (from the same site) through forms and landing pages, know how long the site is off the air, make sure that the backup has something to be recovered in case of disaster, and to be able to migrate infrastructure if necessary quickly.


That’s why companies need to think about the whole. Making the website and put in the air is just the first part of the puzzle. And putting it in perspective and forgetting it is what happens most.


And for you to think about it, think about hiring someone who takes over the problem and lets you take care of your business. Sure enough, it already has enough work for you, right?


If you want to improve on this subject, don’t hesitate to contact us!


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