Study Script in HTML! Conceptual and Language Knowledge

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Here’s how to study HTML with this study roadmap, including conceptual, language, and practical knowledge for building websites.

I think one of the difficulties of those studying HTML and XHTML is knowing what to study. After all, there are so many terms that sometimes confuses you that you are starting your studies in these technologies. My intention in this post is to create a study roadmap for HTML and XHTML.

To facilitate the understanding, I separated the scripts of knowledge into three groups: conceptual, of the language itself and the practical aspects.

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Study guide: Conceptual knowledge
  • Know the basic structure of an HTML document;
  • Recognize the difference in HTML and XHTML;
  • Know the HTML and XHML versions and establish the differences between them;
  • Know the various extensions of HTML (.htm, .html, .html, etc);
  • Understand what is doctype, the various types of doctype and the differences between them;
  • Know the semantics of tags;
  • Know how an HTML page is read and indexed by search engines;
  • Differences between browsers;
  • Relationship with CSS. How to use CSS to format HTML documents;
  • Relationship with Javascript;
  • Relation with other programming languages, such as ASP, PHP, CGI, etc .;
  • Web standards. Understand how this can facilitate browsing the site;
  • Know the various character sets: utf-8, iso-8859-1, etc;
  • Rules for validating the HTML code.

Study Guide: Knowledge of the HTML language

  • Know the relation of the tags;
  • Know the attributes of each tag;
  • Know HTML entities, such as: & nbsp; & copy ;, etc.

Study guide: Practical knowledge of HTML

  • Structuring texts such as paragraphs, titles and inline texts;
  • Create forms;
  • Create simple tables and tables with header;
  • Create internal, external, vertical and email links;
  • Insert images;
  • Working with frames and iframes;
  • Create ordered, unordered and definition lists;
  • Create meta tags;
  • Link external files as files and javascript and CSS;
  • Incorporate external resources such as YouTube videos, Google Maps, and more;
  • Insert Flash files or other plugins;
  • Create a layout based on the concept of Tableless;
  • Know HTML tools and editors.

You must be wondering: where to find information on all this? Well, while there are many websites on the subject, I think is the right one for you to create your study route. Good luck for your studies.

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