Tried And Tested Ways of Product Promotion

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It takes a lot of time and effort to develop a new product or service, and once it is ready, the work is far from over—it still needs to be launched and promoted. Even if you have the best new product or service available, if you don’t effectively perform the product promotion, you may miss out on possibilities or even lose money.

Importance of Product Promotion

Promotion of a product helps build brand recognition, credibility, and sales. A product without a promotion plan is equivalent to a vehicle without wheels because it won’t move. Having a promotional strategy will aid in differentiating and selling your products in the face of competitors selling comparable goods.

Promoting your product can gather vital client insights and use them to create future marketing tactics. Through these insights, you can learn about market trends, consumer preferences, and consumption habits.

Using internet platforms is the biggest benefit of advertising your goods in the modern digital environment. Online platforms allow you to increase your online visibility, eventually improving your visibility to your target market.

Knowing why product marketing is vital and how to effectively advertise a product and be consistent enough to do so are equally critical.

Powerful Methods for Product Promotion

product promotion

Product marketing differs from one product to the next; thus, it’s challenging to generalize a single strategy that would deliver excellent results. To choose the best strategies for your company, you must thoroughly understand your product, your target market, and the industry.

The strategies listed below are intended to help ecommerce businesses promote their products. We’ll also highlight some tried-and-true promotion strategies that various online company entrepreneurs have revealed.

  1. Make Entry Pop-ups Eye-Catching

The first moment a visitor opens your website is the ideal opportunity to capture their interest, and entry pop-ups give you the ability to do that. You can advertise a new product and raise its visibility with an entry pop-up. You can draw attention to a fresh product or use subscription opt-in forms. It works well to announce special discounts using entry pop-ups. Customers who reach your website and immediately notice a bargain are more likely to use it.

Entry pop-ups are valuable to your promotional approach even if your visitor has not responded to them since they established the product recall. For instance, you are presented with this one-time 65% off offer for your first purchase as soon as you open the GlassesUSA website.

  1. Use exit offers to retarget visitors

One of the best methods to promote a service or an offer is to retarget customers after browsing your website and just before they depart. Retargeting a customer who abandoned a cart with an on-site exit offer can result in last-minute changes in choices and impulse purchases. Visitors will only be shown exit pop-ups, as opposed to entry pop-ups, if they leave the website without making any purchases.

Exit incentives differ from company to company. Visitors can be offered time-limited discount coupons, email subscription forms, proposals, and even free trials. To give visitors one more opportunity to test out their services before they leave the website, PixelScrapper, for instance, offers a free kit as an exit offer in the image below if they sign up for the newsletter.

  1. Respond to Q&A websites 

On the internet, there are many forums and Q&A websites where users can post questions and receive responses from other community members. Reddit and Quora are the two most well-known Q&A websites. Many people use these platforms to develop their online personas in their particular niches and covertly advertise their services and enterprises.

As the owner of an online store, you can also provide the inquirers with trustworthy responses in the form of solutions. Once you’ve gained a reputation for being reliable, you can make subtle product recommendations in your responses. If done correctly, you may drive a lot of attention to your website, eventually boosting revenue.

  1. Post as a guest online

One of the effective ways to promote a product to new customer segment is through guest blogging. You can work with other businesses and bloggers for guest posts and establish a blog on your website. 

Select sites with a solid industry reputation, strong engagement rates, and appropriate audiences when you want to market a new product through guest blogging. Instead of immediately promoting your goods, write about distinct issues and provide value to the readers.

Being discreet is crucial when conducting promotions through guest blogs.

If your company is new, you can form alliances with bloggers in your niche who already have a sizable readership. In this manner, you will be writing to a readership interested in what you have to give when you contribute to their blog. AI writing tools can also assist you in producing high-quality material for your guest post quickly and in large quantities.

  1. Introductory Offers

An excellent approach to advertising a new good or service is using introductory incentives. You can offer your product in the market as part of an introductory deal rather than formally introducing it.

These introductory deals may be presented in many ways, including:

  • Affordable packages and bundles
  • price reductions
  • Gifts and coupons when you buy a product
  • offers of “buy one, get one free.”
  • Gratuities for referrals
  • Co-marketing campaigns with other brands

These promotions are a fantastic approach to getting into the market and encourage customers to interact with your goods. Making sure you convey that these special offers won’t remain forever and creating a sense of urgency to purchase is crucial.

  1. GMB Promotions

Google My Business is a fantastic internet platform for marketing your business. If you have a GMB account, you may utilize Google My Business to create several posts, and what’s New and Offers are the two primary post categories. Your product will fit best in the What’s New articles area if it is brand-new. It encourage visitors to view and click on your product, upload images. 

Use the Offers posts section for advertising your products if you offer limited-time discounts. You will submit images, prices, and other information so customers can view and purchase your product. In both situations, uploading strong visuals and a compelling call to action can help your marketing succeed. Want to launch your online store? For better speed, controlled security, and round-the-clock support, choose Nestify

  1. Email Advertising

Did you know that by 2024, there will be 4.48 billion people using email worldwide? Email marketing is a fantastic technique to spread the word about your products and build a list of subscribers to whom you may send emails.

Most new e-commerce and small businesses invest in cutting-edge email hosting services to keep their subscribers interested in what’s coming next. You can use emails to communicate with your clients and send them a weekly newsletter, promotional offers, emails for new products, announcements, and a variety of other educational materials.

Do you need help with how to use emails for marketing a new product?

Here are some pointers:

  • For your emails, create campaign parts.
  • Please focus on the advantages of the product rather than its features.
  • Include a CTA in each email you send.
  • Continue to update your email list.
  • Send new subscribers emails with a discount coupon.
  • Send a post-purchase email to attract new customers and upsell to them.
  • Send a reminder email to customers who abandoned their shopping art.
  1. Use upselling and cross-selling

Understanding your audience and what they want is the key to effective cross-selling and upselling. After knowing their needs, you may provide them with the right items and updates.

Cross-selling is known as asking clients to buy a complimentary item along with their core purchase. On the cart or checkout pages of your e-commerce website, you can cross-sell by displaying related products. Cross-selling can boost sales by up to 20% and functions precisely like impulsive buying at a POS terminal.

A customer is persuaded to purchase a similar but more expensive product by upselling. You can employ a variety of upselling strategies. The best one is to upsell on your product pages before a customer decides to make a purchase.

  1. Employ social media advertising

Social media marketing is the finest response to how to advertise a product online. Nowadays, most social media networks provide a place where users can purchase and sell items. For instance, Facebook features a marketplace where individuals may list their goods for sale to local and international markets. Like this, Instagram Shop shows products and their prices so that you can purchase them from the brand’s website and complete the checkout process.

Consider the vast, combined reach of various social media sites. If social media marketing is done correctly, people will follow your pages with loyalty and share your content on their profiles. This will result in more user-generated content, which is a fantastic marketing strategy in and of itself. Here are some excellent strategies for promoting products on social media:

  • Create a brand page
  • Release information on new goods, deals, and discounts
  • Getting customer feedback
  • Addressing client inquiries
  • Uploading images and videos of product instructions
  • Linking blog posts and landing pages
  1. Use influencer marketing

In influencer marketing, you identify key opinion leaders in your field, such as vloggers and Instagram users, and urge them to promote your brand. Using influencer marketing, you may quickly get the word out about your product to the right people. Ask them to create a hashtag to help you advertise your product. If enough people utilize it in their posts and shares, this will also make your product trending.

 For instance, TikTok influencer Kris Collins, who has more than 25 million followers, teamed up with Vessi, a company known for its fashionable waterproof sneakers. Influencers can assist with your product promotion in the following ways:

  • Unboxing videos for goods
  • Videos of product experiences
  • Online competitions and freebies
  • Coupon codes
  1. Launch a Loyalty Program

71% of customers think that loyalty programs are a very important component of brand connections. Subscribers can receive exclusive perks through loyalty programs, which can be either free or compensated. Users of loyalty programs can save these points until they have enough to make a good purchase. Because they provide an incentive for customers to come back to your online store, loyalty programs are an excellent approach to marketing your ecommerce business and items.

  1. SMS Signup Coupons 

Even if it is outdated, SMS marketing is still useful for updating clients on your offerings. You can utilize a pop-up window when a consumer visits your website to invite them to sign up for SMS notifications and provide them with a 10% discount off their first purchase in exchange.

By adopting this method, you may collect their contact information for promotional campaigns while giving them the incentive to use the discount they received to purchase.

  1. Start a blog

By blogging about products on blogs, you may market them for free. You may rank in the top Google searches and drive a ton of traffic to your site by using the appropriate keywords. You can go into great detail about a product’s features, advantages, and complexities by blogging about it. Additionally, you can link the blog to your product’s landing page and quietly insert CTAs into each piece to drive readers to those pages. Use product retouching services to improve the appearance of your product photographs.

Don’t overlook Amazon Editorial Recommendations if you’re a seller on the site and trying to figure out how to market a new product. A section of your search results page called Amazon Editorial Recommendations displays articles about products authored by bloggers and influencers from outside the company.

You can direct customers to your products using this strategy by assisting them with their research and then giving them in-depth evaluations of those products from outside influencers.

14. Organize a digital event

Virtual events have grown in appeal ever since the COVID-19 pandemic. They’re a fantastic way to bring together professionals from your field so they may discuss their goods in one location. You can utilize a virtual event as a venue to advertise a new good or service to interested parties in your sector.

Hosting a virtual event on your page will also attract more visitors from other companies, increasing your page’s reach and engagement overall. A virtual event can be hosted in the following ways:

  • Facebook Live broadcasts
  • Live questions about the product
  • Bringing in influencers and professionals from the industry to talk about your product
  • Live webinars

15. Gift guides

What do you do if you have trouble coming up with gift ideas? If like many people, you terms like “unique birthday presents” or “holiday gift ideas for coworkers.” After that, you browse countless gift guides in the search results. Why not request the inclusion of your merchandise in the gift guides? They are available for every niche, personality type, or occasion you can imagine. Keep in mind that you must give a justification for your inclusion. See the lists on the first few Google pages and ask to be included, if you qualify. They may bring a lot of customers back to your shop.

16. Affiliate Marketing

If you need assistance making sales and more money to hire sales or marketing help, think about integrating an affiliate program into your store. You won’t need to pay them unless they sell something. It is helpful to have some knowledge if you want to introduce affiliates. Keep in mind that they handle a marketing function for your business by promoting your products on your behalf. If you don’t provide them with any best practices, they’ll develop their own. 

Affiliate programs typically generate a distinct URL for each person promoting your products. This link might be shared on social media, in a blog post that evaluates your product, or even in a YouTube presentation. Through the custom links, you can keep track of who is driving sales for you so you can pay them. 

17. Livestream using Periscope

Despite the fact that Periscope is still a relatively new social media platform, it has demonstrated marketing potential. Numerous businesses are already promoting themselves using this live streaming. Fewer companies are successful at short-form live video than posting tweets or Facebook updates, so you won’t be an early adopter anymore. 

There are many ways to advertise a product using periscopes. In particular, Periscope can be used to demonstrate the product, answer questions through Q&A, and even take your customers behind the scenes to show them what makes your company special.

18. Pinterest

If you want to buy or sell products online, head to Pinterest. According to active pinners, 93% use Pinterest to make purchase plans. It’s not surprising that lots of people create wish lists on Pinterest. This makes it an excellent location to advertise goods, particularly well-designed goods that photograph well.

Even better, pins frequently endure for a very long time, and pins are frequently viewed for weeks or even months after they are published. You can optimize your pins by posting when more people are available online, using relevant keywords, and including eye-catching imagery. You could even hold competitions to broaden your appeal. To include more product information, make sure Rich Pins are enabled.

By enabling Buyable Pins, you can advance your Pinterest marketing if your Shopify store satisfies the criteria for eligibility. This choice helps retailers sell more goods while making it simpler for Pinterest users to purchase the items they see there.

19. Search Engine Optimization

Search presents one of the few opportunities to develop predictable, compounding web traffic, even though it takes some time to get going. Developing a keyword strategy, performing more detailed keyword research, optimizing your site’s architecture and performance (such as adding category pages), and constructing links back to your website are all steps in an effective search strategy.

20. Referral Advertising

One of the earliest forms of marketing is referral marketing, also referred to as word-of-mouth marketing. Today, you can use the internet to boost your referral marketing efforts. The internet not only expands your audience, but it also makes it simpler for others to share your content and for you to gauge its effectiveness.

21. YouTube Advertising

For finding new content, YouTube has grown to be one of the biggest search engines in the world. YouTube videos can also be found in conventional search engines like Google, offering a fantastic opportunity for traffic.

You can produce a viral video to succeed on YouTube. Fascinating or helpful videos can still be used to advertise your products. You never know how many people are already searching YouTube for your brand or products. You can direct the story by building a branded channel with your videos.

22. Run a competition

Contests are a quick and inexpensive way to promote your brand to a large audience. You can guarantee that the right people see your contest by giving away your product to prospective customers. But only some competitions fall short.

When organizing a contest to advertise your company, there are a few critical errors to avoid. Ensure your contest’s platform, timing, messaging, and entry requirements are all carefully considered.

23. Paid Ads

Money spent on advertising can occasionally have a significant impact. Paid advertisements are thus a strategy you simply must recognize when trying to figure out how to promote your product online. Effective paid platform advertising requires a healthy blend of imagination, factual data, and perseverance.

By using Google AdWords, learn how to raise your Google AdWords click-through rates (CRT).

By using Facebook Ads, learn how to maximize your Facebook ads for the most conversions.

By using Instagram Ads, learn how to increase traffic to your promotional pages.

By using LinkedIn Ads, showcase your business profile that clients can view. 

Your strategy needs to adapt to the subtle differences in how each platform operates.

  • Find out which platform would be best for creating paid advertisements by doing some research.
  • Track the effectiveness of your advertisement as well.
  • Create a tracking system for your product using urchin tracking modules (UTMs) for razor-sharp accuracy.
  • And A/B split test a few different ad campaigns if you want to up your marketing game.


Your audience’s channels and online habits will determine the best way to market your new product or service. Regardless, you ought to cross-promote and use several channels. You can anticipate higher levels of engagement as your messaging becomes more unified and consistent and your audience becomes more familiar with it. 

Try out the strategies mentioned above to get the outcomes you want from your upcoming product launch, software upgrade, or new service offering. 


How can I advertise my product online?

A product can be promoted online in a variety of ways. Writing blogs, doing social media marketing on Facebook and Instagram, sending emails to your subscriber list, and many other methods that you’ll find above are some of the most popular and straightforward ways to promote your product online.

How and where can I advertise my goods?

Here are some crucial actions to start an online product sales business: Numerous websites and apps, including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Google My Business, Amazon, and many others, can be used to advertise a product.

In which locations can I sell my new product?

On e-commerce sites like Amazon, AliExpress, and Etsy, you can sell your goods. Additionally, you can sell them through Facebook Marketplace and Instagram Shop as well as your company website. 

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