VPS Hosting or Cloud Hosting: Which one to consider?

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There are several options to consider while developing a new website. Some will appear quite simple, such as picking on a color scheme or whether or not to implement the responsive design (that one should be a clear yes). Others, like choosing your web hosting package, will seem incredibly confusing to somebody relatively new to operating a website.

Depending on how you look at it, hosting may be involved. Options for web hosting include the cloud, shared servers, virtual private servers, and dedicated servers. There are hundreds of hosting providers to pick from, each with its features and pricing tiers. You must find out how to get around a lot of information while making many other decisions concerning your website.

And here you thought your plate needed to be more full. This article will clarify things by comparing cloud hosting with virtual private server (VPS) hosting, and we’ll compare the plans side by side so you can pick the best one.

What is VPS Hosting?

VPS hosting

Virtual Private server is shortened to VPS. This hosting setup partitions a single physical server into numerous smaller virtual servers. These virtual servers are all part of the same physical server, yet they operate independently.

Because your server partition is isolated from the rest of the server, you have complete control over its setup and configuration and access to its allotted resources. Moreover, other accounts on the VPS server share or access no information or files.

One potential downside of virtual private server hosting is that if a single physical server goes down, it affects all VPSs hosted on that server. A virtual private server’s (VPS) performance can fluctuate if one site uses too much of the server’s resources. However, this is mitigated by most hosting companies by separating the many VPS segments. 

When to consider VPS Hosting?

A virtual private server (VPS) is often the best option when hosting numerous sites, requiring many pages and plugins. This is suitable if you anticipate receiving several thousand visits monthly. There’s also enough space for WordPress Multisite to function smoothly.

Here are a few examples of the kinds of WordPress sites you may create using VPS hosting:

  • A startup that needs a sophisticated website but doesn’t anticipate explosive growth soon.
  • If you wish to start a blog or photographic portfolio where you regularly upload several images.
  • A website that requires special scripts or plugins to function properly.
  • Virtual private server hosting is an excellent choice if you anticipate your site to be visited by more than a small number of individuals.

What Is Cloud Hosting?

cloud hosting

When you use cloud hosting, your hosting package leverages a pool of computers in the cloud. An underlying network of physically linked servers is required for these virtual machines to function. Cloud hosting is similar to having one large VPS because of all the connected virtual machines. In contrast to virtual private server hosting, where all server resources are allocated to a single computer, cloud hosting distributes them over a network of servers.

Using numerous servers in a cloud hosting platform means additional resources for your website. Your server’s processing power can be upgraded anytime to accommodate fluctuating traffic demands. Cloud hosting like Vultr provides more mobility but fewer configuration options than virtual private server hosting. 

When To Consider Cloud Hosting?

  • you’re not afraid of getting your hands dirty with the technical aspects of cloud hosting, or you find a suitable managed cloud hosting provider;
  • Your website is large, and you plan for it to grow;
  • You regularly get large traffic surges, such as if your content goes viral, or else you plan for this to occur;
  • Your business or website is proliferating, or you expect it to, and you need to be sure your host can keep up without worrying about possible downtime

Comparison Of VPS Hosting Cloud Hosting On Various Parameters

1. Performance

When deciding on a web hosting service, speed should naturally rank high on your list of priorities. You need assurance that your website will respond quickly to user requests, be accessible whenever required, and perform as intended.

Because you are assured of a fixed quantity of the server’s resources, Virtual Private Server plans typically offer exceptional performance. In addition, because your server space is isolated from other areas, the performance of other sites on the server shouldn’t interfere with your own.

Nevertheless, there are edge circumstances when the server’s limits are reached, and performance suffers, such as when numerous websites on the server have abnormally high requests simultaneously.

But that’s likely to happen for only some VPS plan customers. As the demands of all websites on the network are distributed among numerous servers, cloud hosting can provide exceptional uptime. The system has a failsafe in case a component fails or uses spikes.

Who Wins? Cloud Hosting

This is very close to a tie and may go anyway. A VPS plan’s performance may dip if your site puts unusual strain on the server, but this is only sometimes the case with cloud hosting.

2. Security 

The hacking of websites is a common occurrence with serious repercussions, highlighting the urgent need for improved online security measures. Although not the sole factor, web hosting affects your website’s safety.

A virtual private server has top-notch security. Compared to dedicated hosting, it’s less safe, but it’s far safer than shared hosting. While using a virtual private server, your website is effectively isolated from the other sites hosted on the same physical server. But, if you choose a web host that doesn’t prioritize security, the vulnerability of another website might spread to yours.

Also, the data stored in a cloud hosting environment is isolated from other customers using the same physical server network. Yet your host is more susceptible to assaults since it relies only on the internet. 

Who Wins? VPS

Both services should have reliable security if you choose a respected web host. But, a VPS plan will always provide greater safety than a cloud one.

3. Price 

You should anticipate paying more for cloud hosting or a virtual private server (VPS) than a shared hosting plan due to the increased performance and features you receive.

Each is more affordable than a dedicated server (sometimes by a lot). These plans typically cost somewhere in the center of what shared and dedicated hosts charge.

Pricing for cloud and VPS options is highly context-dependent. But, cloud hosting is more expensive than VPS hosting with a few other providers. Because of this, classifying this set of items is challenging.

Who wins? It’s a tie!

It’s important to look at the fine print when comparing the total cost of a cloud service to that of a VPS. As some cloud hosting plans operate on a “pay as you go” basis, your monthly bill might be far more than intended if your site receives significantly more traffic than anticipated.

4. Scalability

Several sites have recurring costs every month. But, for others, there will be significant shifts depending on the time of year or the success of a single piece of viral material. There may be a significant increase in people visiting an online shop during the Christmas and New Year’s shopping seasons. Because of this, scalability is a major factor for many website owners when deciding on a web host.

Unfortunately, VPS isn’t the most scalable option. If your site’s traffic is within your regular requirements, you should be within the limits of the server resources you’ve been allotted. Scaling your site rapidly, however, is going to be challenging. If you suddenly have many visitors, your current host may crash.

When it comes to scalability, cloud hosting shines. In essence, you’ll have access to a full cluster of servers that can be brought up quickly in a data storage emergency or to handle a sudden spike in website visitors. And because so many servers are available, your uptime and performance will be superb. Your site will be moved to a different server if a physical server fails.

Who wins? Cloud Hosting

Hosting your website in the cloud is the most practical option if you anticipate traffic and resource requirements fluctuations.

5. Customization 

Customizability is a significant issue for anyone with specific goals for their website and requirements for the kinds of software they want to utilize with it. Owners of technically proficient websites are more likely to care about this issue. But, to those to whom it is relevant, it is likely of great importance.

There is a lot of room for personalization with VPS. You can install and manage whichever operating system and server software you choose on a virtual private server, making it functionally equivalent to a dedicated server. Nevertheless, the actual server setup might have certain restrictions.

You can personalize cloud hosting to a certain extent. Nevertheless, the sheer number of servers you need to disperse the settings among may prevent you from doing so. To get the most out of your network, you may also need technical knowledge to configure your hosting environment.

Who wins? VPS

If scalability is where cloud hosting excels, then virtual private server (VPS) customization is where it truly shines. Only dedicated hosting plans perform better than shared ones (but at a much higher cost). Virtual private servers (VPS) are the way to go if you value flexibility in configuration. 


There is a viable hosting solution for WordPress websites and enterprises, whether you want a virtual private server (VPS) or cloud hosting. Thanks to this comparison between cloud hosting and VPS hosting, you must be able to decide which service is ideal for your website needs.

Nevertheless, there is no one right way to choose between shared and dedicated hosting. Since every website, company, and hosting service is unique. That’s why you need to figure out what’s ideal for your website or company, and that will be different from your next-door online neighbor.


Q: What are the advantages of VPS hosting?

A: VPS hosting provides dedicated resources not shared with other users, allowing for increased performance and stability. It offers more control over the server environment and is typically more affordable than cloud hosting.

Q: What are the advantages of cloud hosting?

A: Cloud hosting offers high availability, scalability, and flexibility. It allows for the rapid deployment of resources and can easily accommodate traffic or resource usage changes. It also provides better security and disaster recovery capabilities.

Q: Which one should I choose – VPS hosting or cloud hosting?

A: It depends on your specific needs. If you have a small website or application and require dedicated resources, VPS hosting may be sufficient. If you have a large website or application that requires high availability and scalability, cloud hosting may be a better choice.

Q: How do VPS hosting and cloud hosting differ in pricing?

A: VPS hosting is less expensive than cloud hosting, as the resources might be more scalable and versatile. Cloud hosting may cost extra owing to its greater resources and flexibility.

Q: Which technical abilities are necessary to handle VPS hosting and cloud hosting?

A: VPS and cloud hosting involve technical expertise, but VPS hosting often requires greater server management and administrative experience. Cloud hosting may be easier for folks with a technical background owing to its user-friendly interfaces and automated tools.

Q: Is VPS hosting less secure than cloud hosting?

A: Not necessarily. Depending on the hosting provider’s security procedures, VPS and cloud hosting can be secure. Yet, cloud hosting often offers stronger security and disaster recovery capabilities due to its dispersed infrastructure.

Q: Can I get root access with cloud hosting?

A: That depends on the hosting provider and your cloud hosting package. Certain cloud hosting plans may offer root access, while others may not. It is essential to verify with the hosting provider before signing up.

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