Web Hosting Terms Explained For Newbies

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Around the globe, many people are getting interested at owning websites or blogs and making money online. There have been too many stories already about people who were down on their luck career-wise but took a chance to start a new one online—which paid off.

They are now earning five-figure checks each month, sometimes with minimal work involved. The prospect of earning a huge sum each month without having to report to a nightmare of a boss or indeed leaving the house is so attractive that many are exploring the possibility of doing it themselves.

People who are interested in the industry will then research and ask around. What do they need to set up a business on the Internet, one that can generate a sustainable living and not just give them income for the short term?
For sure, they will find out or they will tell that they’ll need two things to build their online business on: a domain and a web hosting service.


It is important to have your own website with your own domain if you are after a sustainable income in the long run. While it is possible to make money using free blog and website creation platforms, the potential of earning so much more rests in self-owned domains.

The domain is practically online real estate. This is the address where you can build your business on. You own it, so you have the prerogative to do anything you want with it.

The usual choice is to create a full-fledged website. Another option is to make it into a single sales page where you will sell a product (pretty much like an infomercial where there’s an introduction, product description, customer reviews, price breakdowns, and of course, several price slashes).

Web Hosting

The domain will only become your online business lot if a web host supports it. Web hosting is what provides space for your website on the Internet. See, when you type a URL on your browser, the computer will send a request to your server asking for the website data. The information it gets then displayed on the monitor.

The web hosting service will house its customers’ web pages in powerful computers, which in turn hook into very fast networks that guarantee server connection 24/7. With a web hosting service, you can be sure that your website will be live 24/7 and can be viewed by anyone, anytime, from anywhere across the globe.

When you buy a domain, it should always come with a web hosting service. There are individual domainers who only sell domains, so you’ll need to look for a web hosting company after.

Now, aside from domain and web hosting, there are more terms and names used in the industry that anyone wishing to be successful should know and understand.

Name servers

A name server refers to the collection of information that is dictated to a PC when it looks for the web hosting server where a website’s data locate. A name server looks very similar to a URL. It also always comes in pairs for each website. One is the original set, while the other is a backup. In the event that there will be corrupted files in the original name server, the backup one will immediately get pulled to display the website.

Name servers are mainly made up of two sets of information. The first one is the A-Record. This is the data transmitted to point the location of a website. The second one is the Mix-Record. This one is used to point the web hosting location of the website’s email service.

As a quick FYI, each domain registered with a web hosting company will be given an official email account. It is possible for the owner to have the domain or website hosted by one web hosting service, and its email by another. If this is the case, the owner will have to specify them individually—which will then be the A-Record and the Mix-Record. If the owner decides to have both under one web hosting service, there will be only one name server.

DNS Propagation

Now here is another term that any website owner will encounter. DNS propagation refers to the length of time it will take for changes in the name servers to spread all over the Internet. Contrary to what most people probably believe, changes on this score will take time before everyone can felt it. Notice how sometimes one visitor will report seeing a website differently from how you see it? It means one of you needs to catch up to the changes implemented in the name servers.

These names and terms will probably not interest most newbies. They do sound too technical, don’t they? Make no mistake though, when your website and online business takes off, soon you’ll have to deal with these technical, back-end issues. You’d best be informed about what they are as early as now.


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