10 Essentials to complete before you post on WordPress

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Publishing a blog post involves much more than drafting the text of each entry.

If you want to get the most out of your blogging strategy and posting excellent content, you need to perform some optimization, design, and performance that allow you to have better results, more visits, and conversions.

Essential Tasks to be carried out before posting on WordPress

Let’s see 10 things you can do before you publish your articles on the blog to have better results in all respects. Review them in detail and of course, put them into practice.

  1. Give a good format to your content

Writing is the first necessary step. Then add that entry into the WordPress editor (if you wrote in another text editor) and format. This includes aspects such as:

  • Add bold, italic and underlined
  • Separate paragraphs correctly
  • Change color corresponding text
  • Add images and / or videos
  • Add headers H1, H2, H3, etc.
  • Make appointments (if necessary)
  • And everything related to the design and content structure

The more understandable the text is, the more it is better. Do not pile up or have very long paragraphs as this does not favor most of the users who do not like to read all content.

Also adds relevant and attractive images that provide better design and appearance at first sight.

Remember that, the first minutes are where the user decides whether to go through the information and browse your site or better close the tab (possibly forever).

  1. Spellcheck

Spelling is one of the most important pillars of any content posted on the Internet. Nobody likes to read the misspelled text. This makes the website and the author look bad.

Before you post, read it properly and make the changes accordingly. There may be some errors or a lack of accent that needs the change.

  1. SEO Optimization

To have readers on your blog and be at the top positions in Google, SEO activity is something you should take seriously.

Although WordPress is friendly to Google and other search engines you need to do a good SEO for better positioning.

There are several plugins to make the “on-page SEO” and more recommend is WordPress SEO by Yoast. It offers a special tool to optimize entrances where suggestions are made for the main keyword optimization for which you want to position your content.

In addition to this, it also works on optimizing the titles, metadata and general configuration related to SEO.

  1. Add Categories and Tags

The categories and labels help to better classify your content and present it in an organized way. Before publishing, select the category to which the entry corresponds you are editing, and if necessary also add some tags related to your content.

I recommend no more than 10 categories in your blog. You can also have subcategories to rank in more detail.

Tags are simply keywords or terms related to information published. Although not essential as categories better organize the content of a blog.

If you need to edit, delete or perform other management tasks, enter the menu entries> categories on your dashboard of WordPress. It is best to add your top 10 categories before posting on a blog and then add more subcategories if necessary.

  1. Featured image

The outstanding image of your entry is displayed in different parts of the content structure and depends heavily on the theme or template that used. Some designs have the rectangular outstanding image above the title, other below, another square on one side of the first paragraph and we can find different variations as well.

Adding an outstanding image is important as it gives some identity to the entrance and also looks more visual and illustrated when entering the blog section and you can see all the list of available inputs.

  1. Title Optimization

To make your entry successful in social networks and receive many clicks will depend largely on how the title or main heading prepared. For this, I recommend you make a good optimization and review copywriting tips to make the most of this advice.

For example, it should not be the same title that is used by countless bloggers.

For e.g., “10 Tips to make money online”.

A title should be like:

“10 Rules that very little bloggers follow to make money with their blog.”

This is just one example of how a title can help or hurt the CTR of an entry in social networks or any other means of communication on the Internet.

  1. Adding internal and External Links

It is very possible that your entry will contain external links either to articles or other sections of your website or also to other blogs with related information.

Before publishing, make sure that these links are correctly added and open either in the same window or tab. A recommendation is to set them to open in another tab so that the user does not lose the content that is open and can finish reading.

  1. The call to action

Why do you write on your blog?

We all do to contribute to the lives of others and help them with any specific issue by adding valuable information. However, a strategy of blogging and content marketing also works as a complement to other goals you may have to achieve on your site.

In addition to making the content of your posts read, we also recommend include calls to action so that you will achieve other conversions.

For example: insert a subscription form at the end of each article to grow your subscriber list, a text box with a link to your products and services, banner advertising, an invitation to a webinar or any other call to action that allows you to better measure the effectiveness and performance of your entry.

  1. Check permalink

The permalink of your post or a page refers to the URL and its structure. I recommend you to keep the URL as short and precise as possible. If your title is rather long, modify the permalink to make it more understandable and concise.

For example, for money-making article called “Here are the Ultimate Guidelines to achieve your Goal and Make Money Online,” the default permalink would be:


Too long isn’t it? What would be better?


Much more accessible, easy to identify and share on the Internet!

Always make sure that your permalinks are short and well optimized.

  1. Optimizing images

It is very possible that the one, who enters on your post entry, firstly notices the images, which give a more friendly and pleasing touch to the content.

At the time of adding images, not also forget the basics of optimization:

  • Title – containing the most important keyword in the post or entry
  • Alternative text – the same keyword with related terms or any other can be used.
  • Description – A good description always helps

Besides this, also set good size for images (not too big or too small) that should be properly aligned, and if you have a link, you can add it to the url field in the image(only if required).

A well-optimized image helps better reading, loading speed, and SEO positioning.

Did you ever think about these 10 essential tasks before you post?

Some are more important than others, but all help the entry or article to perform better and can attract more readers.

Put them into practice every time you go to post on your blog. It will take more time but it is 100% worth.

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