5 Best Squeeze Page Plugins for WordPress

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Are you trying to get email subscribers and build an email list through your website? Then a squeeze page is what you need. A squeeze page is a type of landing page whose sole purpose is to gather email opt-ins. In this article, we will review 5 WordPress plugins that can help you create stunning squeeze pages in no time.

How to Create a Good Squeeze Page?

One crucial thing that can help you create a useful squeeze page is never to forget the fact that the goal of the squeeze page is to get email opt-ins. If you remember this simple thing, you will have a smooth journey to your perfect squeeze page.

The most important thing on a squeeze page is a call to action. This call of action makes the email submission possible. For example, a call to action can simply be “sign me up”, or “I would like to subscribe to your email list” or “Please send me the free giveaway”, etc. Call to action is very important because only after clicking on that button, will you get the subscriber’s email address added to your email list. Imagine a user filling your subscription form but not clicking on the subscribe button just because of a lame call to action; frustrating, isn’t it? Avoid such blunders by creating a strong call to action. 

The next obvious thing is the lead magnet. A lead magnet is an offer you give to your visitors in return for their email address. Why should users give their email address to you? What do you offer? This is not that hard to answer, actually. There are many tried and tested things on the internet that serve as a lead magnet. Look at the following examples.

  • Free 7 Day Course: You can offer your subscribers a free email course for 7 days or for any duration for the matter. Through this series of emails, you can give some value to your subscribers. A few examples: “7 Days to overcome anxiety,” “How to earn passive income”, “How to set up an awesome website for free.” What you offer is entirely your choice. Just remember to give something of value so that your subscribers would like to stay subscribed to your mailing list. 
  • Free Ebooks: Ebooks are attractive lead magnets. You can simply create short pdf files and give them away as ebooks. Create ebook titles that grab immediate attention. Again, if you do not add value to your subscribers, then it is very likely that they will cancel their subscriptions, this you want to avoid at all costs. Thankfully, It is not very difficult to create an engaging and useful ebook. The Internet is full of useful content (you just need to neglect the useless). 
  • Free Giveaways: You can always give some free offers to your subscribers. A few examples of free offers are gift vouchers, coupon codes, premium subscriptions, free goodies. People love free gifts even if they are not that useful to them. Imagine what will happen if they get something that is really important to them for free? They will stick to you in anticipation of getting something even better. Free giveaways are very impactful lead magnets. Use them generously. 
  • Membership or Private Access: You can keep some content for private access or you can offer it to members only. You can leverage this membership or private access for email opt-ins. Membership is a popular form of lead magnet and it can be quite effective if your content is engaging.

Once you have your ‘Call to action’ and ‘Lead Magnet’ ready, you can focus on the last part – Designing the Squeeze page. The squeeze page should be designed in such a way so that there are no distractions and call to action is focused. Also, give attention to design elements, colors, backgrounds, fonts, etc. so that your squeeze page achieves its aim. Just don’t overdo anything. Remember, every unnecessary element you add to your squeeze page is a distraction. Stay focused and get the maximum output from your squeeze page.

Let’s get started with some useful WordPress plugins for creating squeeze pages.

1. WP Lead Plus X

Squeeze Page Plugins for WordPress
Squeeze Pages Creator

WP Lead Plus X is a very useful and easy-to-use plugin that can create amazing squeeze pages in a short time. The plugin is very intuitive and focuses on easy to create page building process. The basic version of the plugin is available in the official WordPress plugin repository. It has registered more than 50k active installations.

Here is a sample squeeze page from this plugin:

The prominent “get access now” button converts to an email subscription form the moment you click on it. It’s a very effective strategy.

The plugin allows your creativity to design your squeeze page the way you like. You can also use the pre-made templates in the plugin and customize them to create the squeeze page you want. The UI is intuitive and you can use drag and drop feature to add elements. The real-time preview gives you a quick idea of how the changes will look on your page. The pages can have videos embedded from services like YouTube, Vimeo, Dailymotion, Metacafe, etc. There is Google Fonts integration for font choices.

The plugin has integration with popular autoresponder services like MailChimp, GetResponse, Aweber, etc. You can add tracking code from services like Google Analytics and Facebook Pixel to track conversions. There is a massive collection of icons from FontAwesome that you can use with this plugin. Plus, you can short-codes from other plugins to use specific features. Each squeeze page has a basic validation feature to ensure that form entries are valid.

Overall, this is a plugin you can use to create a squeeze page quickly. This plugin can also be used to create a wide variety of pages, including landing pages, squeeze pages, splash pages, sales pages, promo pages, thank you pages, lead pages, etc. 

The Basic version is free to download and it is available in the official WordPress plugin repository. The Pro version is offered with two pricing plans. You can purchase the one site license for $29.99 per year. The license for 10 sites is priced at $59.99 per year.

2. Optin Ninja

WordPress plugins
OptIn Ninja – Premium WordPress Plugin

OptIn Ninja is a popular squeeze generator WordPress plugin. It is available in the Envato market. OptIn Ninja is an affordable alternative to SaaS services like LeadPages, Unbounce, or OptinMonster.

The plugin creates 2-step, highly optimized squeeze pages in seconds available as pop-ups or standalone URLs. There are 20 pre-made templates to get you started. The plugin dashboard shows in-depth information such as Optin visits, conversion rates, top-performing Optins,  and subscriber stats. All subscribers’ email addresses are stored in a local database that you can export whenever you want it. You can also test various ideas on different forms and do A/B analysis. The plugin supports detailed analysis, statistics, and custom URLs for each page.

Optin Ninja supports autoresponder services like MailChimp, Aweber, GetResponse, Mad Mimi, ActiveCampaign, Campaign Monitor, among others. You can also use Facebook to collect subscriber info and store data in a local database that doesn’t require 3rd party services. The squeeze pages work well on mobile devices due to their responsive design.

Customization options are also available with lots of help to get you started quickly. The plugin comes with 200 background pattern images and 50 full HD background pictures. You can customize anything from fonts, text color, and size to border, backgrounds, and buttons. You can also have YouTube videos played in fullscreen as backgrounds on standalone OptIn pages. Videos can be muted and played on repeat for maximum effect. The plugin also allows you to display a custom message to all those who leave without subscribing.

One exciting feature of this plugin is that you can display all your optin pages (including A/B tests) in the form of a pop-up or a lightbox window. For this, you can use the provided shortcode or modify any existing link for the optin page. You can also select one of the nine predefined positions for the pop-up. Push notifications are also supported.

The Regular License is available for $30, and it comes with six months of support. You can purchase extended support for 12 months for an extra $9.38. There are also premium add-ons that you can buy separately.

3. Landing Page Builder

Good Squeeze Page
WordPress Landing Page Builder Plugin

Landing Page Builder plugin by PluginOps is a versatile plugin to build responsive squeeze pages, layouts, and landing pages. It has more than 10k active installations. The plugin works smoothly with WordPress version 3.4 or higher. This is a very affordable and quick-to-use alternative to other squeeze page builders on this list. The reason is not that hard to guess; the plugin is entirely free and there are no premium add-ons.

With the simple visual drag and drop feature, you can see your changes as you add or edit elements on your squeeze page. Since the plugin is entirely based on HTML/CSS, it can work with any theme and plugin. You won’t have to worry about plugin or theme compatibility. The plugin promises fast performance. You can move every element, reorder rows or move widgets around using drag and drop features.

The plugin also has robust editing features; for example, the Live editing feature with visual Builder makes it easy to create templates. You can also edit existing templates easily and without any delay. The plugin allows you to design any page of any kind. You can build standalone pages that do not use the heavy design of your current WordPress theme. Landing Page Builder gives you complete power to design your own pages for your WordPress website. The pages you create can also be saved as templates and can be utilized with one click. There are short tutorials on how to get started easily.

The plugin comes with pre-designed templates that you can use to quickly customize and edit to create a squeeze page of your own. The plugin also offers various widgets for free. The plugin saves leads using a built-in subscribe form in the page builder database. Alternatively, you can add any other form using a shortcode.

The plugin is completely free to use. There are no premium add-ons or extensions with this plugin as of now. You can find this plugin in the official WordPress plugin repository.

4. LeadPages

squeeze page
Leadpages High-Converting Website Landing Page Platform

LeadPages is a popular landing page plugin that aims to create high-converting pages by the DIY approach. The conversion tracking and speed are two key features of this plugin. LeadPages also provides functionalities such as Facebook and Instagram advertising, autosaving, subaccounts, custom & hidden form fields, digital file hosting, and delivery, among others.

The conversion tracking technology can predict the performance of the squeeze page as it is built. It also gives suggestions as to what changes to make to reach the optimal level of subscriptions. There is no limit on leads and tracking using this plugin. With unlimited publishing, you can create multiple squeeze pages. Page load speed can be comparatively low.

The plugin consists of a drag-and-drop page builder so that you can easily create the squeeze page you are looking for. There are more than 200 professionally designed web pages to get you started. There are many custom elements available in the drag and drop builder, for example, a countdown timer, video player, Calendly schedule, OpenTable reservation widget, and more.

With squeeze pages, you can collect email subscribers, add them to your lists, and instantly deliver digital files with the Lead Magnet Delivery System of this plugin. All the squeeze page templates offered by LeadPages are mobile responsive so that they look great on all screen sizes. Leadpages offers integrations with Google Analytics, Zoho CRM, Salesforce, Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads, Google Ads, Shopify, ActiveCampaign, Aweber, Campaign Monitor, Constant Contact, ConvertKit, Drip, GetResponse, iContact among many others.

The Standard Plan costs $25 per month. The Pro Plan costs $48 per month for three sites. The Advanced Plan caters to up to 50 sites and costs $199 per month.

5. Thrive Architect

wordpress squeeze page builder
Thrive Architect – Visual Editor Landing Page Builder for WordPress

Thrive Architect is a premium landing page builder. It focuses on conversions and ease of use. It is one of the fastest, conversion-focused Visual Editor and page builder for WordPress. 

The main feature of this plugin is the ‘click to edit’ approach to visual editing. If you want to change something, you click on it and you’ll see your edits instantly. If you want to move something, you click, drag and drop. It’s that simple. With the 334 beautifully designed and 100% conversion focused landing page templates, you can create beautiful squeeze pages in no time. The plugin also offers dozens of optimized landing pages you can use to present your free offers and grow your mailing list. You can also style every detail of your squeeze page and see it with the live updating preview.

Thrive Architect supports extensive customizations of layout, font, background, color, buttons among others. There are numerous building blocks that help you create the landing page you want as fast as possible. Some of these are Text, Image, Background section, Column layout, social share, Post grid, Call To Action buttons, Testimonials, Credit Card icons, lead generation forms, Contact Forms among many others. For any element, you can easily apply entry animations, hover effects, add tooltips, animate text on the screen, and more.

Thrive Architect integrates with autoresponders like ActiveCampaign, iContact, MailChimp, ConvertKit, GetResponse, InfusionSoft, Drip, Aweber, Mad Mimi, Campaign Monitor, MailPoet, SendGrid, and Sendy among others.

Thrive Architect offers a One-time purchase plan and a Subscription plan. You can get a single site license for $67 one-time payment. For the 5 site license, it costs $97 one time. You get 1 year of support with these plans. You can opt for Thrive Membership for $19 per month for unlimited support.


We have seen why squeeze pages are essential for building your email list and thus growing business. We reviewed crucial elements that make up a good squeeze page. 

We have overviewed five best WordPress plugins for creating stunning squeeze pages in no time. There are many other plugins that are focused on creating landing pages. You can read about them in our article on article on 14 best landing page plugins for WordPress

Did this article help you? Do you have any questions related to WordPress or hosting? We would love to help. Feel free to reach out to us in the comments section.

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