It is too easy to find around companies that sell products and services on the Internet and believes that they don’t need a blog for e-commerce. Well, this article is to show how eCommerce companies can attract more visitors through a corporate blog on their eCommerce website.
What difference does it make? (Having or not having a blog for eCommerce)
It is important to understand some small differences between a corporate blog and an e-commerce website. As your e-commerce website sells, the blog relates. eCommerce offers shopping, blogging serves to remedy the doubts about the company. The eCommerce is to close the sale and the blog attracts the audience to your brand. Some of the other benefits of having a blog are shown right below.
Blog attraction = Content + Strategy + Marketing + SEO + data
As the focus of every blog for e-commerce or corporate blog is to attract the public to the brand, here are some points that cannot be forgotten to achieve this goal.
When I say marketing, it is not only digital marketing, every company is like a body, and everything is interconnected. What is the use of running if you are not running in the right direction? The combination of conventional marketing with digital marketing defines the ways that the company must tread is very important.
Once you are done with planning, the next step is to reach the goal. Well – define the strategies in the short, medium and long term basis. And if necessary, change strategy based on the behavior of visitors on a blog or customers on eCommerce website.
The blessed SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is very important for a corporate blog since these techniques are just to help in the positioning of your blog in the crowd and keep you ahead of competitors in the organic searches.
SEO is based on three pillars. The technical pillar – WordPress, a highly indexable and search engine friendly platform that offers several tools to help the SEO strategies and content production. You can get your website on any platform, but the blogs on an e-commerce website should be in WP.
Producing content is not as simple as it seems, after all not just write a lot of nonsense. In the strategy phase, set the personas that consume your content, what they are interested in, what is the best way to address them. As well as the way your company presents to its audience, what is its relevance to people’s lives? Often produce real content and that makes a difference in people’s lives, they will thank embracing your brand.
Everything is for a purpose, this whole hassle of maintaining a blog for e-commerce or business will surely bring you fruit in the form of information, too much information. With analysis tools like Google Analytics or SEMRush, you will be able to better understand your audience, causing it to be more involved with the brand. Understand the target audience and their behavior within your site or blog, it is vital to create new strategies and attract new audiences.

The bad news is that to begin attracting more audience is not an easy task, there are many technological, analytical and strategic variables to be taken into account. The good news is that it works like a machine to help you in the sales process (if properly aligned) operates cyclically, making your life easier and reducing the work.