
How to configure Wordfence Security in WordPress in 3 steps
Because safety is first and if you have already been violated, it is possible that even if you have left the problem, remains white and

The Power of Ghost Browser for a WordPress Website
WordPress has emerged as a hassle-free portal for web designing and content management system for the web developers and concerned people. It has been officially

What is a CDN? Do I need it for WordPress?
Lately, we talk much about this from the CDN, if Photon is a CDN if to speed up WordPress have to activate a CDN? But

How to optimize video in WordPress for SEO
The use of video has gained great popularity over the last 5 years on the web. The great advantages of videos are that they help

HTTP/2: All that you must know
In order to understand HTTP/2 one must have a notion, even a quick and superficial one, about protocol, and in this context the Hypertext Transfer

Why you should start using Docker Today?
Docker is written in GO. It is an Open Source and has emerged as a platform containers used to group pieces of software into a

How To Fix WordPress White Screen of Death
WordPress White Screen of Death Is it as scary as the name sounds?Well, the only thing that dies is your morale when you figure that

4 legal benefits of using a national cloud computing services
Hiring a foreign cloud computing service may not be the best option! Cost reduction, efficiency in performing the tasks and security in data storage are

Getting Started with Joomla – Search Engine Optimization (SEO) in 2020
As we have seen on numerous occasions, to have a good web positioning, SEO is key. A page with a good position to be able

How to reset the password for WordPress by MySQL
We already wrote about the most popular password recovery method: using Import phpMyAdmin. But some web hosting providers do not offer cPanel or Import phpMyAdmin.

CodeLobster – Free development environment (PHP, HTML, CSS, JS)
If you are not very familiar with how to blog or use WordPress, then we are sure that the one thing you notice is certain
How to speed up WordPress loading via header.php and .htaccess
Site Speed is very important for every blog or site, especially for those who use virtual hosting. It is the cheapest option for hosting services.

How to reset your WordPress site and all of its settings
If you ever wanted to start your WordPress site again but did not know how to get back to the default settings, then you’ve come to

6 common problems when logging in WordPress admin panel (and their solutions)
Although WordPress is an extremely powerful platform in some of the cases, you might face some problems. One of the sources of discontent among WordPress users

Best Magento forums and communities for quick solutions
The best way to learn Magento is through self-education. While popular scientists like Issac Asimov and Ray Bradbury went on to say that libraries are